
Hey! So I've decided I'm going to take a shot at this whole "writing" thing and try writing a fanfic... That being said I'm totally shitty when it comes to new ideas so I would love if any 116 of ya'll could message me with ideas? I've noticed some people wanting fanfics with a specific storyline that hasn't been done so I wanna make those happen. You probably know the pair I'm writing about already ;)


Hey! So I've decided I'm going to take a shot at this whole "writing" thing and try writing a fanfic... That being said I'm totally shitty when it comes to new ideas so I would love if any 116 of ya'll could message me with ideas? I've noticed some people wanting fanfics with a specific storyline that hasn't been done so I wanna make those happen. You probably know the pair I'm writing about already ;)