
AWEEE you followed me XD XD Thanks love I followed you too :D


@Rainbow_King  yeah right!don't worry about it  I love meeting fellow fans!Don't worry a few miss spelled words won't ruin the book for me and its to amazing!! I hope you're having a happy new year!


@otaku_in_the_corner Aweee thank you, love❤❤❤ I really appreciate your compliments *giggles*
            And OMG I was just joking lol ok I am a fanboy and I really like showing it but that doesn't make you any less of a fangirl hehe everyone has their own way of showing how much they like something, right? ❤
            One last thing, I know Unfrozen needs some editing and I will make sure to edit it as soon a possible but firstly I want to complete it :) I hope you can bare with me ❤


@Rainbow_King lol I'm glad you in brace your fanboy not a lot of guys do that I respect that! And Patrick is a really good writer you are too I love that your new one unfrozen like oh my goodness love it!! I'm more of a in person fangirl then I am Internet fan girl so I'm like fingerling all over I just don't show it through the Internet  hope u can understand