Hi stranger!❤✨ What does freedom mean to you? https://www.wattpad.com/story/359927822?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=purpleskiesanddreams
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ATTENNTION Bible study is officially over now!! Thanks to everyone who read my entries & supported^^
Hi stranger!❤✨ What does freedom mean to you? https://www.wattpad.com/story/359927822?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=purpleskiesanddreams
Hello I hope to you are currently accepting reading requests. If so, I would be honored if you could spare some time to read my new book, '’WHISPERING SHADOWS.' It's a mystery thriller that I've poured my heart into, and your feedback would mean the world to me. https://www.wattpad.com/story/344687116?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=noFOOKINidea&wp_originator=2eGbBYNVnD%2F6zY0sdqv2xHI%2FCjJIPTXwDnGOOA98zF4%2BXhz7mkEZxxIM84gKP%2BKxIUgFO0EtPxTW0u3rGhi7Wxbh5KcgQtbxtNkQbiPPuewA4krYbDRwKWaz%2BfVs7REC
God bless you! :) How are you today sister in Christ?
ATTENNTION Bible study is officially over now!! Thanks to everyone who read my entries & supported^^
ESV: Grudges & 'petty' cancel culture In this modern world of ours, a strong spirit of holding grudges for the rest of ur life has emerged & I DON'T mean over really serious stuff like bullying/ rape but the petty things like them not wanting to be ur friend in HS. Cancel culture IS good 1st & foremost. God wats us holding people accountable for their actions. That's why u are ur brother's keeper, if they wronged u or someone else u SHOULD'T just look the other way The problem's the chronically online people who literally overshare things which would better be resolved in private. Holding grudges never solves ath at the end of the day. U'll literally always give ur tormentor power over u, u don't move on meaning that that's all u ever think about!! Ur bully glows up, moves on, has a family, could even CHANGE for the better while ur still being bitter & jaded over thigs that happened YEARS ago. Lots of people don't know that moving on sets u free. U'll always feel like u are in their shadow if u never let go of the hatred in ur heart. Other times u don't even give them a chance to apologize!! THEY might not even know their comment hurt u/ may think u understood it was a joke. Cause srsly speaking can u really swear on ur life that ath u said has never caused an insecurity accidentally EVER?? In Matthew 18 vs 15 it says '' If ur brother sins against u, go & tell him his fault, U & him ALONE, if he listens to u, you have gained a brother'' This means 1st & foremost when u feel wronged, u shouldn't tell the ENTIRE neighborhood 1st. Go to them, explain how u felt slandered against. If they agree, then it's time to forgive & forget. BUT if they don't THEN u have every right to expose them for being a horrible person for all to see. It's becoming wayy too common nowadays to be starting feuds over elementary/primary beef... & yes, sometimes people DO know what they did was wrong & they just don't care, but still there are certain issues which u shouldn't be proud>>
to air out as dirty laundry. I know it hurts, it hurts when they don't acknowledge any pain they caused, when they keep being a toxic person but refuse to acknowledge any scars they caused physically or mentally. In my 2nd year of HS a gurl legit told me ''How I'm pretty ugly & I'll never be more pretty than her'' when we had been playing a game. I remember almost crying, because wth?? But I chose to let go cause at the end of the day, whose the 1 whose hurting from her insensitive comment? She's not thinking about it, not losing sleep over it. I knew there's no point in holding onto a grudge with someone who DIDN'T care then and probs Doesn't care now. Bullies should stop bullying but they won't. So, u need to be the one who takes ahold of ur own destiny. It's good to remember that these people forget very easily, so it's ur job to be a girl boss. Work on urself, make use of that anger inside u. Make it do sth for U!! Take up a hobby, create a new skill, prove ur haters & the world WRONG. Wayyy better than just developing a victim complex & never acknowledging that at the end of the day u control how ur life will turn out. Not Jessica, not Ian, not ur teacher, or ur parent, U, urself & u. Point is there's a certain point in ur life where ur anger is no longer justified, cancel those who need to be cancelled, & try to forgive if only for ur sake where u can't.
ESV: The art of not taking life for granted Many people nowadays follow a very monotonous routine each day. They wake up, bathe, eat, go to work/ school, come back home & repeat. A constant endless loop which never changes which leads to little regard to how precious & finite life really is. Do u take ur life srsly?? Do u live every day to the fullest?? Do u just breeze through life not caring about what direction u take?? Are u aware of the fact that it's not guaranteed that u'll live to see tmrw & behave accordingly?? Many nowadays have no purpose, they just live day to day wandering about or tell themselves that they'll start valuing their lives later on. But I'm here to tell u that ISN'T true!!! If u don't value ur life now, u CAN'T later on. In Psalm 118 vs 24 it says'' This is the day, that the Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad in it'' What does this mean?? Each day u live is a gift which u should appreciate. There are many who want to live on but don't & yet u'vE been given the chance to carry on. To follow ur dreams, to make friends, travel. Live to see another day, live to make meaningful memories. Give thanks every day. Be happy that have gained day to conquer ur fears. Many use their age as an excuse as to why they don't live life to the fullest. U are NEVER root young or too old to live how u want to live. Never too young or old to accomplish goals & follow your dreams. Don't trust time!! Time always changes, trusting time to only move at a pace YOU feel comfortable with is a big mistake folks & it never ends well. People forget that they don't live forever. U are only 1 human, & all u can do is live a life u are proud of ath the end of the day for there's nothing sadder than regretting the entire course of ur existence at the end pf the day. Don't take life for granted.
ESV: We will be together again Many people feel lost when a close loved one passes. They don't know what to do, they feel hopeless, like their whole life journey has veered off course & they don't know how to put it back right on track. But take joy in the fact that we will be together again. Oftentimes we lose faith that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. That we'll never be able to carry on. That we're stuck in a rut & no matter what we do we simply can't move on. But u ARE strong. Jesus our Lord & Saviour doesn't consider u weak for crying. Pathetic for being lost & confused about how to deal with ur grief. Instead He reassures us that our loved ones are resting in peace. They are in a better place. Any afflictions/ disease they had to deal with are gone. No more pain, suffering or expectations holding them back. & most of all that their death is only temporary, for u shall be reunited forevermore. But even with all this, it's fine to grieve. It's fine to be sad. Angry at the world. Devastated over the thing u've lost- a confidant, a teacher, a partner in crime etc. Many don't allow themselves to grieve!! This is problematic because u can never leave that negative space. U're stuck in the past, & often by the time u reconnect with reality that life moves on & u SHOULD too, u'll have lost friends, jobs or YEARS of ur life, down the drain. Those won't come back. Christians aren't like ''Oh whoop-ty doo, my gran just keeled over cause of a heart attack, oh well'' since this is how many people view our grieving practices. We shout, scream, feel pain but u know what differentiates us? We have HOPE, we know this isn't permanent, we know our loved ones are looking down on us wanting us to be happy. As a Christian u WILL face loss in ur life, everyone will, but knowing that ur loved ones want u to be happy & u'll get to see them again is what keeps us going. Some days are hard, some are good, some normal but u bet we'll never stop living. U are a>>
@Powerful_Niya sorry for your loss:( but she really is in a beter place a place with no worries sickness or poverty a place of eternal life, happiness and joy! may her soul rest in peace!
Hey guys!! Sorry to disappear on ya'll, was busy with life & exams. So, me & @Loving_Christ are both doing bible study for a while so today's my day to contribute & tmrw plz go to her account if u want more!! ESV: God desires mercy Mercy is when u have the right to punish/ hold someone accountable for sth they did but u decide to show compassion & forgive them. For many showing mercy is almost unfathomable, why not rip a new 1 into someone whose hurt u?? Why show kindness to those who've hurt u?? But showing mercy is what makes us human. Because at the end of the day NOONE'S perfect. We all have our days, we all have times we've made a rude/insensitive comment about someone or sth, & we all do eventually want forgiveness. If u changed ur thinking/ behavior & general attitudes about sth, u WANT that validation that u've earned the right to benevolence. Noone wants to genuinely seek mercy & be refused any. That's why forgiving those who've wronged u is so important, ''Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who've trespassed against us'' meaning u can't expect mercy to be given to u but refuse to give it to others. It's not a 1-way street. In Luke 6 vs 36 it says ''Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful'' we show empathy & grace because that's what God want us to do. God is merciful. He's benevolent. A righteous living God who's willing to understand that we did sth wrong & that we aren't that person anymore. We want change & the only way to truly be free is if u gain forgiveness. God forgives all. He's not biased, He isn't picky, He just FORGIVES. Blots out all wrongdoings & lets u start off on a clean new slate. U never know when being pig-headed will cost u, forgive where possible. Try not to hold grudges. Show mercy for others transgressions & they're more likely to do the same. Why would u want to forgive someone who holds onto u breaking their pencil 5 years ago?? Those who show mercy will themselves be shown mercy. Love*
Hey!! Thanks for the follow<3 I hope you enjoy reading "Meant to Be ♡" Stay safe, healthy and happy :-)
@otakufanfic1000 it's a relief you think the book is good, I was having second thoughts, really! About the comments I just go with the flow, you know
@_Stuny_ No prob, ur comments were just so funny!!! And ur book is so promising
@SAKURAMOCHIYT OMG yes ichihime shippers are abnormally small in number like why??!! When I saw ur ichihime playlist, I literally squealed I'd been wanting to read more of their love story stories so thanks
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