
Hi to anyone reading this!! I just felt the need to notify my followers or whatever that i have joined a group account on Wattpad! The account name is Johnegbooty413.  We don't have any fanfictions up yet, but one of us is working on one. Also, i'm still going to be using this account, I'll just also be posting stuff with the two other admins on the other account. Please go ahead and follow Johnegbooty413 so you know when one of us actually post something, we would all really appreciate it!


@otakujunk3 Ye please follow us we're rad I swear 


Hi to anyone reading this!! I just felt the need to notify my followers or whatever that i have joined a group account on Wattpad! The account name is Johnegbooty413.  We don't have any fanfictions up yet, but one of us is working on one. Also, i'm still going to be using this account, I'll just also be posting stuff with the two other admins on the other account. Please go ahead and follow Johnegbooty413 so you know when one of us actually post something, we would all really appreciate it!


@otakujunk3 Ye please follow us we're rad I swear 