
Hi everyone, thank you for those that waited for an update/new story. Happy to say that my new story, Hateful Love, is now out !! :)


@othermxmories yesh man I am hooked with that one sm I love noah and gosh thanku for existing man 


@Partofme111 thank you for reading and liking it so much. yes i have that one on hold because i wanted to explore a new story and also because i was not having any inspiration to continue it just yet. but the forth book of that series is kind of a stand alone so you will understand it without the third one being finished :)


Dear author,
          I wanted to share a constructive feedback if that’s okay with you. Maybe rewrite the story description to explain that there are two parts happening in this story. To be more transparent that Stella’s POVs and her story will be included leading into Athena and Deven’s story. This can help lessen the confusion with the readers trying to understand why you started out with Stella and her girlfriends. Right now, the description is deceiving us thinking that this story is mainly only about Athena and Deven. I say this with respect and hopefully that you will take this in consideration. Thank you.


I was just wondering if you have any other socials where you post updates info or anything if not that’s totally okay just asking incase you shared it and I missed it 


Ooooo okay thanks for letting me know 


@Florence22331144 i use to but i kept forgetting to post then forgot the password lol so now i just post on here


I just read Hateful Love and I absolutely love it it’s so good all your stories are amazing 
          how do you come up with the ideas for your stories? 


That’s amazing very creative imagination you have 


@Florence22331144 thank you! honestly just out of imagination. I think oh this would be cool to read and then start writing it haha


Hi everyone, thank you for those that waited for an update/new story. Happy to say that my new story, Hateful Love, is now out !! :)


@othermxmories yesh man I am hooked with that one sm I love noah and gosh thanku for existing man 


@Partofme111 thank you for reading and liking it so much. yes i have that one on hold because i wanted to explore a new story and also because i was not having any inspiration to continue it just yet. but the forth book of that series is kind of a stand alone so you will understand it without the third one being finished :)


          since i have kept you all waiting for some time now with no update, here is a little snippet of my new story. enjoy :)
          "You can leave too" I tell Athena.
          "I don't understand why you make things so difficult for yourself," she says.
          "What are you talking about?"
          "All this frustration can be resolved if you just ask for it. No need to dream about me when I'm right here. Just beg" she says. How does she manage to always be this annoying?
          "I didn't have a sex dream about you and I already told you that I'm not begging"
          "Okay, then how about this" she pulls my legs from underneath me causing me to fall back as she hovers over me. She is on her knees between my legs.
          She holds my hands down beside my head.
          "I'll ease some of your tension this once to show you what you could be having if you just listened"


@ othermxmories  oh my my 