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[k.p.r]:      YOU’VE BLEED ON ME BEFORE,   I THINK I CAN HANDLE VOMIT.    I’LL MOVE SLOW,  DON’T WORRY.     (  …  )    EH,  DON’T SWEAT IT.   ‘M GONNA TAKE YOUR SHOULDER NOW,   LEAN ON ME.     *      keegan is much more gentle with his care   &&.   handling now.   any other circumstance   &&.   keegan would’ve been dragging logan around on his ass.     the process of pulling him out the truck is tedious,  but keegan takes his time.    waiting for a few moments so his whole entire world wouldn’t spin.     the pair of ghosts trudge their way into the motel,  keegan’s larger frame keeps his comrade steady.   after some trial   &&.   error with placing logan in a comfortable position,   he’s placed on the bed with his brother.   he expected some sort of fuss but━━ they’re all exhausted from a night of drinking,   dancing,  ‘n other bullshit.     ]       I’M LEAVING THE PILLS AND GATORADE WITH YOU GUYS.   SURE AS HELL GON’ NEED IT.   I’LL BE IN THE ROOM NEXT DOOR WITH YOUR DAD.   I’LL BE LISTENING OUT.   REST UP,  KID.


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(   @amicuscaIIado ;
            Incoherent mumbling is heard from the passenger seat—something about his Dad, and how Keegan has his vow for silence regarding this night—just before a comfortable silence washes over the car.   Just as quick as sleep comes,  so does the ride back to the motel. 
            There’s a distant ache forming in his head,  the pre show for the shit he’ll have to put up with in the morning;  to put it simply,  as quick as he gets drunk—the kid seems to sober up fast.  Well,  enough to seem put together.  “‘M head hurts.  Like I got a butt of a rifle to it—I move any faster than a sloth and I might throw up on you.  Otherwise,   (Fine).”  Is all he manages to get out,  taking a brief moment to collect himself and step out of the truck.  “Thanks for looking out for me Russ.”


[k.p.r.]:       UN—FUCKING—BELIEVABLE  (!)      WHAT AM I,  A TAXI?    I DON’T MIND,  BUT DON’T ELIAS ABOUT OUR LATE NIGHT RENDEZVOUS.    WE’RE DEFEATING THE PURPOSE OF STEALTH.    *       the drive is silent for the most part,   keegan doesn’t have the heart to wake the poor kid up.   the sleep is well deserved,   he works hard━━━   practically made out of iron   &&.    steel with a heart made of gold.     he eventually parks at a near by  walgreens,    careful to not jostle the truck too much.    it’s a quick,   short,   &&.   efficient haul.    gatorade   (three flavors,   he’s not sure what logan prefers),    asprin,    water,    saltine crackers.     the works.    when he returns with the small haul,    logan is still dead asleep.    they’re back at the motel in record time.   now the question is,   should he wake him up or just carry the kid to bed?        ]         LOGAN,   LOGAN?  WAKE UP FOR ME ‘N DON’T BITE MY HEAD OFF.  HOW ARE YOU FEELING?