I feel like cyber bullying @brokenlines hacker wont do anything guys, We are all being hypocrites about this whole thing. She just needs to learn that stuff like this wont be tolerated when she is in school or she has a job. If this happens in one of those places she will be fired or expelled but she needs to learn that on her own. We cant make her do anything and i m not defendng her because what she was shitty but im not calling her a c*nt or a B*tch because of it, yes i commented saying that nobody was going to read the story and go to church, and yes me even posting that us cyber bullying and i am owning up to it. I should not have said that i should have just not commented and been the bigger person like i am right now, just leave her alone and let mouse take care of it, AFTER ALL ITS MOUSE'S ACCOUNT NOT OURS .