
Really in need of someone's help! Inbox me if you can make a cover for Addicted To Your Love! please I'm desperate!!! 


ok, I think we've talked before,  on my first cell,  and I know you say that this is based on a true story., so is that basically where it 3nded? Ok then  complete the story with the truth about what happens,  or because this is a story just make up what happened!! Obviously us readers want to see Gabby and Maya stop their pussy footing around and get together, but if that just hurts to much, then just tell the truth? Because leaving us on a MAJOR cliffhanger with them only testing the waters with just 1 kiss is kinda like a roadblock FOR what could have happened... .??
               Stuck in suspense,  @Misty2Dorothea 


Please don't be finished with Unexpected Love, they just kissed but Gabby's feelings are all over the place,  and I have a feeling that Lauren likes her a little more than just being a cuddle buddy and hand holder, and probably saw the sparks flying between them, and instead of being a best friend and talking  it out with her, she just walks away, so this could be a growing experience for her?? Same for Gabby as well,  finally admitting it to herself,  then possibly Mila and Lauren,  I forgot the other girls name?  I see them doing everything to try and get them together.....


I sure hope you don't mind my editing, but further down in chapter 8 you have her describing Jacob's house and his 90" tv. You have it 90', um' this means foot, and I think you mean ' inch?? Boy if you mean 90 foot boy that's a tall wall!? 
          Please tell me to just shut up and enjoy the story, and I'm sorry if this bugs you!!


I'm sorry but I'm a true editor and IF I don't say anything it will bother me through out the story!  But in chapter 8 you talked about him having reel feelings for her, and honey for this it needs to be REAL! Yes reel IS a real word, but that kind of reel belongs on a fishing pole! Its the clear line that you through out into the lake and when it starts bobbing up an down you spin the spinning reel to bring the fish that you  caught! I hope that clears it up for you!!


Hey read all your books and loved them, you have inspired me to write my own it's called Love Is Changing, so if you don't mind can you please check it out and let me know what's wrong with it,.


@Rennylove Your welcome let me know how it was


@Rennylove awww thank you! of course I will. thanks for reading