I had a panic attack because I walked into my school and there were too many people. That's never happened before. I had a panic attack one the first day of school and I don't know why I did. I had a panic attack because I left my civics assignment in my locker and was scared to ask the teacher if I could get it. I had a panic attack because I feel incompetent in my classes. I feel like everyone is better at everything than I am. It's only the 2nd and a half week of school and I'm already having anxiety freak outs. Anytime before this I've never had a panic attack, but now it's a constant thing that freaks me out. I start to cry, my hands shake, and I can barely breathe. In class I have to put my head down and try to calm myself. I hate it. I've always had an underlining anxiety, but this year it just burst out in full swing.