
Hello wonderful human 
          	I'm back!!
          	I wrote A Diary of Soul as a means to work through the fact that I didn't really know myself after masking for so long. I had to rediscover who I was and wasn't, and heal too. I shared it here and you loved it. It's published now. 
          	Now that I know myself, I need to reconstruct my self image, how I see myself, because it's interfering with my expression. If I think I don't deserve anything good, then no matter how lovely I am, that loveliness won't shine through properly because I don't believe it's there.
          	Hence, Radiance, was born. 
          	Wattpad has helped me grow as a poet, so I'm sharing this with you. If you're experiencing something similar, let's heal together. If you love poetry, you're free to join the ride.
          	I don't know how long this is going to be, but I'll be here for a while.
          	Cheers to your Becoming. 


Hello wonderful human 
          I'm back!!
          I wrote A Diary of Soul as a means to work through the fact that I didn't really know myself after masking for so long. I had to rediscover who I was and wasn't, and heal too. I shared it here and you loved it. It's published now. 
          Now that I know myself, I need to reconstruct my self image, how I see myself, because it's interfering with my expression. If I think I don't deserve anything good, then no matter how lovely I am, that loveliness won't shine through properly because I don't believe it's there.
          Hence, Radiance, was born. 
          Wattpad has helped me grow as a poet, so I'm sharing this with you. If you're experiencing something similar, let's heal together. If you love poetry, you're free to join the ride.
          I don't know how long this is going to be, but I'll be here for a while.
          Cheers to your Becoming. 


          After 5+ months of writing this book, I finally know what it's about ^^
          I've updated the description, you can check it in the book's info or in this chapter.
          I don't understand how I wrote a book that's supposed to be uniform without even knowing what it's about... It's...  *shakes head*
          Anyhoo, here's the crucial missing link. Better late than never ♡
          Tah tah for now :)


          Thank you so much to everyone that has read this little book, and to everyone that has appreciated its existence, and to everyone that let me know how helpful it has been. 
          I'm really honoured to have the opportunity to inscribe a bit of my soul unto your being.
          I might take a break from writing but expect to hear something from me.
          Lots of love 
          and I hope you never stop surviving.
          – Ovokive ♡
          I just published "80. a diary of life" of my story "A Diary of Soul ". https://www.wattpad.com/1321175886?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=ovokive&wp_originator=j9kbnr%2FOFLMhTEuIFurL3AVuYeplJHrd0xjNyuqcSYA0W%2FiRoWxEyxGEELyP7hhugAawUiYq2339BvCbUUf1l7SOm%2BnAJw6gu0eXs0Z9UYfMjmbYsmdBaOeE6wLtZBIF


Helluu all,
          I'm posting the last chapters of A Diary of Soul today. I'm really grateful for all the support I've gotten here and I'm glad that I could share parts of my soul with you.
          After this I might start another book but for now I'm focusing on finishing my manuscript and Publishing A Diary of Soul before the end of this month.
          The book will still be available to read for free here, until I decide otherwise. 
          Thanks again and I hope you have a lovely day ❤️✨


          I've uploaded 19 out of 80 poems to my manuscript and I'm already at 40 pages.
          I just realised that I underestimated the possible total page count by A LOT.
          I now stressed myself to write 80 poems 
          Really thankful for the Holy Spirit, I almost increased my target to 90+ .
          Expect more updates from me.
          Tah tah,
          Ovokive ♡


          WE'RE AT 1K READS 
          *cries happily*
          I just wrote chapter 71 (approximately 9 more to go). I love this chapter and how... genuinely it's written. I've read it again so many times and I wish it could go on forever. It's currently the longest chapter in this book, ending at 500+ words.
          Chapter 71, 'infinity',  is now available for you to read ∞✨