Hello wonderful human
I'm back!!
I wrote A Diary of Soul as a means to work through the fact that I didn't really know myself after masking for so long. I had to rediscover who I was and wasn't, and heal too. I shared it here and you loved it. It's published now.
Now that I know myself, I need to reconstruct my self image, how I see myself, because it's interfering with my expression. If I think I don't deserve anything good, then no matter how lovely I am, that loveliness won't shine through properly because I don't believe it's there.
Hence, Radiance, was born.
Wattpad has helped me grow as a poet, so I'm sharing this with you. If you're experiencing something similar, let's heal together. If you love poetry, you're free to join the ride.
I don't know how long this is going to be, but I'll be here for a while.
Cheers to your Becoming.