
can i have some help, my mental state isn't very well at the moment. it isn't something i want to go into, i just want some advice.
          	don't worry, i am not suicidal.


@owenspencer2018 never mind, someone is helping me with it


@owenspencer2018 ¿Qué tipos de consejos? estoy, y supongo que estamos aquí para ayudar (What kind of advice? I am, and I guess we are here to help)


Oigan, estoy haciendo un fanfic de Bluey, y quiero que me salga muy bien, pero tengo un par de problemas: SOY LATINO, me gustaría que me cuenten cosas Australianas pls, no se, comida de Australia (Con que se coma ahí me basta), Deportes que se juegan allí, Sus animales, plantas, TODO. Porque bueno, ya saben, Bluey es de Brisbane: Australia. Diganme todo lo que sepan, no importa si no viven allí
          (A, ¿y me podrian explicar como se juega el Cricket?)
          Hey, I'm making a Bluey fanfic, and I want it to turn out really well, but I have a couple of problems: I'm LATIN, I'd like you to tell me about Australian things pls, I don't know, food from Australia (I'm satisfied with what they eat there), sports that are played there, their animals, plants, EVERYTHING. Because, well, you know, Bluey is from Brisbane: Australia. Tell me everything you know, it doesn't matter if you don't live there.
          (Oh, and could you explain to me how to play Cricket?)
          This message will be sent to everyone I know who has a Bluey fanfic
          (Este mensaje se enviara a todos los que se tienen un fanfic de Bluey)


@Ketapad fire bro, can you make some in English?


can i have some help, my mental state isn't very well at the moment. it isn't something i want to go into, i just want some advice.
          don't worry, i am not suicidal.


@owenspencer2018 never mind, someone is helping me with it


@owenspencer2018 ¿Qué tipos de consejos? estoy, y supongo que estamos aquí para ayudar (What kind of advice? I am, and I guess we are here to help)


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