
[Sejuta Cerita] Chapter 17, PETUALANGAN SADAM sudah update! Teaser Chapter 18 akan segera rilis malam ini di Twitter/X @bapangtohon. 
          	Stay tuned for the update! Dan terima kasih untuk teman-teman #PetSher #SherDam shipper yang sudah selalu sabar menunggu yaaaa. Much love⭐❤


@novisls hai sist, so sorry baru cek kolom komentarnya. i apologize for making you wait too long for the newest update of Time Turner. aku akan tetap lanjut ff feltson sampai selesai, cuma aku belum bisa janji kapannya. aku mau selesain semua before publish ke watty supaya kalian nggak menunggu lagi. sorry bangettt sekali lagi, dan terima kasih banyakk udh menunggu. aku nggak mengira akan ada yg nunggu updatenya. hopefully di tahun ini juga bisa rampung
          	  thank you juga buat kamuu dan semoga sehat selalu juga ya!!


@owlery99 hii sist, maaf komen out of topic. Apa time tuner gak ada harapan buat up sist?
          	  Terima kasih dan salam sehat.


Hi Kak! Apa kabar? Semoga baik-baik terus ya.


@Gwennadya Haii nadyaaa (is it okay to call you this? hehe cmiiw yah), aku baik-baik ajaa kok. sedikit goyang in real life, tapi overall masih bisa survived. thank you for reaching out!! aku jadi terharu:((( 
            so sorry kalau belum bisa update episode yg kujanjiin untuk Sejuta Cerita:') i want to make the ending more special for Sherina and Sadam that i couldn't write it just to finish the whole story. semoga bisa segera menyelesaikan tulisanku dan update lagi di X:'))) 
            Semogaa kamu pun baik-baik terus yaa!! Thank you bgt sekali lagi for reaching out<3


[Sejuta Cerita] Chapter 17, PETUALANGAN SADAM sudah update! Teaser Chapter 18 akan segera rilis malam ini di Twitter/X @bapangtohon. 
          Stay tuned for the update! Dan terima kasih untuk teman-teman #PetSher #SherDam shipper yang sudah selalu sabar menunggu yaaaa. Much love⭐❤


@novisls hai sist, so sorry baru cek kolom komentarnya. i apologize for making you wait too long for the newest update of Time Turner. aku akan tetap lanjut ff feltson sampai selesai, cuma aku belum bisa janji kapannya. aku mau selesain semua before publish ke watty supaya kalian nggak menunggu lagi. sorry bangettt sekali lagi, dan terima kasih banyakk udh menunggu. aku nggak mengira akan ada yg nunggu updatenya. hopefully di tahun ini juga bisa rampung
            thank you juga buat kamuu dan semoga sehat selalu juga ya!!


@owlery99 hii sist, maaf komen out of topic. Apa time tuner gak ada harapan buat up sist?
            Terima kasih dan salam sehat.


Hi kak!
          I just wanted to express my appreciation
          Thank you for writing sherdamAU
          this is one of my sweet escape from 9 to 5 working life.
          You did great job all the details, from picture to background research!


sayang banget gabisa muncul emot disini huhu padahal udah banyak banget attached emot:(
            but thank you once again yah kak!! <3


@iechannouw Hi kaaakk! i'm truly touched by your kind words and recognition for my work
            thank youuu so much for your heartfelt words and apprecation, it means a lot to me! 
            Hopefully my writings can continue to fill your day, and may you always have a wonderful day ya kak!! *bighug*


hai gaaiis, aku cuma mau ngasih tau kalo next chapter masi on progress, i'm going to publish it asap so pls just keep waiting okhaaay huhu♥️xoxo


@owlery99 semangat kakk. ak suka banget sama time turneeer


@ owlery99  time turner kann sayy???
            Im always waiting.. always 


Guys i'm really sorry for just posted this new chapter of Time Turner i didn't realize it has been a year since i've posted the last chapter I'm really sorry for make you guys waiting so long, please forgive me *stillcrying* Sincerely, i apologize for coming back too late. Hope y'all always happy to get thru the new year! Happy reading!


@owlery99  asikkkkkkk...baru cek wp nihhh
            Siapp kubaca 
            Makasiloh udh update haha


@novisls haaiii, thanks for waiting me (i mean this ff lol). i just uploaded the new chapter which is called "the tea has spilled", hope you'll like it yo! ditunggu komennyaaa hihi xx


@ ainaaa99  hiii so happy you come back
            Omg finally you up, can't believe it and I'm still waiting hahaha
            Thank you for your time haha


Misiii, notif time turnernya kpn muncul lg kaka? I MISS 'EM SO MUCH, hope u're okay. Luv ur fanfic so much:")


@meildictus haaaiiiii i just checked your post, i'm so sorry for the late update *crying*. makasi banyak udah baca dan selalu nungguu huweee, anw i just posted the new chapter called "the tea has spilled", you can now check it out and pls left the comment on it. chapter2 selanjutnya bakalan lebih seru yuhuuuw thankies yaaa sekali lg, hope you'll always be fine too!