


@owlien123 thank you for the update  please do continue the story I assure you that it is a great story ❤❤


Welcome back to the living world!! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧ did you had fun  at your holiday !!
          I saw the update of the detective Conan anime and I must say honestly I didn't expect it to be like that I though that they would do family reunion and continue living like there wasn't an argument but it didn't and I seriously became confused at the teleporting part the last one I didn't quite understand it but that's okay you've tried hard to write this masterpiece I just hope that you will continus this story and thank you 


@ ThierryLionnet  thank you for enjoying my writing, anyway you will see d(-_^)


Please update! I'm really2 curious on what will gonna happen for the next chapter. To be honest this is my  favourite story among the DC fanfic ever. please keep update I love your story. Thank you if you willing to update.