this message may be offensive
Read to be enlightened; There are so many problems with the world right now, to name just a few; terrorism, poverty, religion, white supremacy, hate crimes, the economy, the media, state education, workplace sexism, teenage (particularly transgender teens) suicide, the justice system victim blaming.... and the lists goes on and on. Yet all anyone here on wattpad care about is one direction, and making sure everyone follows sys thread rules, i wanted to share my stories to help people, to help rape victims to help people who are lonely or poor or suicidal, and because i love it, but if your literature ends up being more about putting people down, anti-feminist ideology or if you think having a bad life is 'unrequited love' then grow up. Also obsessive love stories are not sexy, Obsessive relationships are seriously scary and often unsafe, becoming fixated on someone is a psychotic warning bell, and take it from me forceful and angry male characters are not those you should aspire to be with. At this point I am rambling, wattpad just isn't the same , its full of stereotypical, offensive, high school bullcarp, that will leave you screaming 'why'