
Every time I try to come back to write something I just end up getting frustrated and only write 300 words before giving up entirely  so if you've read something of mine that hasn't been updated in 50 years, it is most definitely because I had an EXTREMELY brief moment of inspiration, wrote it out, published it, and have not experienced that inspiration again since, and I am SO sorry to everyone who asks me when the next update will be, or asks about a speculated new chapter that is definitely not in the works!! I genuinely do want to update my stories and feed you guys as much as I am capable, but I am definitely no writer. I've loved the subjects of language arts and literature for my entire life, but my abilities stop at essays! I appreciate all the sweet comments on my works, and I hope that one day I'll actually be able to keep up with writing, even just for fun. I'm currently making another (yes, another) attempt at writing working on a Byler one-shots series, but I'm not entirely sure how that will work out. :) Either way, I hope you're having a great day. Thank you so much for your support and kind words! <3


@p1psqweak i feel ya mate. best of luck with your journey, i hope you're doing wonderful <3


Every time I try to come back to write something I just end up getting frustrated and only write 300 words before giving up entirely  so if you've read something of mine that hasn't been updated in 50 years, it is most definitely because I had an EXTREMELY brief moment of inspiration, wrote it out, published it, and have not experienced that inspiration again since, and I am SO sorry to everyone who asks me when the next update will be, or asks about a speculated new chapter that is definitely not in the works!! I genuinely do want to update my stories and feed you guys as much as I am capable, but I am definitely no writer. I've loved the subjects of language arts and literature for my entire life, but my abilities stop at essays! I appreciate all the sweet comments on my works, and I hope that one day I'll actually be able to keep up with writing, even just for fun. I'm currently making another (yes, another) attempt at writing working on a Byler one-shots series, but I'm not entirely sure how that will work out. :) Either way, I hope you're having a great day. Thank you so much for your support and kind words! <3


@p1psqweak i feel ya mate. best of luck with your journey, i hope you're doing wonderful <3


It's been a long time, which means lots of time to think! Back in the day I had quite a few creepypasta works that had a decent handful of reads, but after some time I became embarrassed of how cringe they were, including how horrendous my spelling and grammar was. I'm 19 now, I was between 13-15 when I wrote those monstrosities, and I'm well aware I'm still no top tier writer. That isn't what I strive to be anyway, I'm just having fun writing out scenarios I imagine happening between characters I care for. So, after thinking on it for wayyy too long, I've decided I'm republishing all my old works! Not that it's super exciting or anything, but I figured I should leave them up for old times' sake. Plus I get a huge kick out of reading them hehe
          Anyway, hopefully not many people get the notifications for the repubs because I am still hella embarrassed pff
          I've missed being around, and while I'm still not really focused on my Wattpad "career," I hope at least some of my random works bring you some sort of entertainment <3


i was looking through my unpublished stuff and found the confession "book" I sent to my used-to-be crush and I am sooooooooo upset man
          it's so sad to read because I would still say those things to him and mean it with all my heart but it didnt matter then, and it wouldnt matter now so I dont know why I'm in tears over it?????
          Im so stuck right now i dont know how to s to p


@tobyisahoe like ftw I havent felt anxious in days and now it's coming back to punch me in the face


douchebags by powfu reminds me of like Todoroki talking about bakudeku and like ouch poor todoroki


@FanficWriter19 right?? every time I listen to that song that's all I can think about


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
ohmygod i fucking love powfu


this message may be offensive


i hate changing my profile "theme" so much but rin is precious and I stan him so here we are


@-pastelhydrangea nONoNonO i still love tobes with my entire being