
Hello everyone:)), hope ya doin well, and thank you for your support so far. I have written 68 chapters of When Angels deserve to die and Im still going, BUT ...Due to personal reasons Im making a new account where the story will be posted. I intend to remove the stories I ve published on this platform as well. Yeah, we are starting fresh, those of you who are still interested can text me on @p3ftasteri on insta , or perhaps here as well so I can give you the new name of the acc. Thats all for now.
          	-Your mentally devastated novelist


Hello everyone:)), hope ya doin well, and thank you for your support so far. I have written 68 chapters of When Angels deserve to die and Im still going, BUT ...Due to personal reasons Im making a new account where the story will be posted. I intend to remove the stories I ve published on this platform as well. Yeah, we are starting fresh, those of you who are still interested can text me on @p3ftasteri on insta , or perhaps here as well so I can give you the new name of the acc. Thats all for now.
          -Your mentally devastated novelist


Hi againn, long time no see! I ve been inactive lately and not uploading any recent chapters as I was snowed under with these final exams ( still not done TT) Either way you guys I swear im working on this plot in my spare time ( which isnt much tbh but still ). My drafts are literally full of unpublished chapters I ve completed but hey its 11 days left and I ll start covering all the plot holes etc. Its all set in my head but it ll take a looong way to be all written and published phewww what a pain. Hope I ll make it up to you once I start giving you the sauce lmao:)) Uhm to cut a long story short , I mainly wanted to inform you this forum will be open for you in case you want to ask anything abt the plot and characters. I ll consider posting character analysis  here to dive deeper into the story . If I make it with the collaboration and meet somw deadlines the book may even get a manga adaptation yayyyy. Thats all for now, byee✨


Hello , this is just a little reminder for the novel of mine, which I ll probably publish during summer. I hope that the 1st volume ll be finished by then. Also trigger warning the novel has a recommendation for 16+ as it covers sensitive and controversial topics such as harassment, self-harm, corporal and domestic violence , genocide and war crimes. Moreover the book contains scenes with sexual content both homosexual and heterosexual in nature that the readers may find explicit and/ or disturbing. In that case I insist you should skip those chapters as they play no major role to the overall plot other than portraying some aspects of the character's relationships.


this message may be offensive
Αγαπεςς αποφάσισα να αφήσω για λιγο το μυθιστόρημα τρόμου που έγραφα για να αφοσιωθώ στο angels fuck devils kiss. Εχω την ιδέα για αυτό το βιβλίο εδώ και δύο χρόνια και έχω κάνει πολλή προεργασία- δουλειά για την ανάλυση και την εξέλιξη των χαρακτήρων. Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την υποστήριξη σας έως τώρα και ελπίζω να μείνετε μαζί μου στο ταξίδι αυτό. Συγγνώμη για τα late updates θέλω το έργο αυτό να βγεί όσο πιο άρτιο γίνεται και η πλοκή έχει πολλά twists οπότε... υπομονή. Ελπίζω να έχω αποτέλεσματα σύντομα muah ilyyy



Γεια και συγγνώμη για την ενόχληση! Αν θες ρίξε μια ματιά στην ιστορία μου , bad boys never die. Πρόκειται για μια παρέα εφήβων η οποίοι καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν τα χρόνια του λυκείου εν καιρώ κοβιντ την εφηβεία όπου κυριαρχεί η ένταση, ο έρωτας και η λύπη . Θα το εκτιμούσα ιδιατερως! Ευχαριστώ πολύ ❤️


@ itsmeAlexaaaaaaaaa  Γεια σου Αλεξ! Εχω να πω ότι το γράψιμο σου είναι υπέροχο και πολύ ευχάριστο. Διάβασα το βιβλίο σου και ανυπομονώ για τ επόμενα κεφάλαια 



