
guys. I’m looking for Laylou (Genshin Impact) fics and I can’t find a single one. atp I’ll just write my own, anyone interested?? I have some ideas for their dynamic and some fan art as well hmm lmk


GENSHIN PLAYERS!! Help me choose which 4star to pick for Lantern Rite??
          I’ve narrowed it down to:
          Beidou - one of my fav designs & good fighter apparently
          Yaoyao - not my fav character but some say her DPS + healing is game-changing even at C1?? Similar to how Xingqiu + Bennett are must-haves
          Ningguang - another good design + rn my only geo characters are Aether and Noelle
          I’m at AR 35 rn (a bit higher actually, just haven’t done the Ascension Quest) and the only characters out of the Lantern Rite selection that I already have are Xingqiu and Yanfei


[ @p4per-cr4ne ]
                heyoo!! as someone who has ningguang i wouldn't suggest her as geo isn't great (since it only has one reaction, though i think they're easy to build as all you really need is defense on them? i don't really know though as the only geo character ive attempted to build is navia and i don't believe she scales off of defense), but usually dendro people are great at outputting damage with the dendro pods! ive also heard that yaoyao is a good support , and also does dendro application without being on field with her secondary ability , and since you have xingqiu and yanfei you could build a burgeon team . although , i will say i don't have her so im not speaking from experience . also , beidou i haven't played before , but ive seen she's a great shielder when played correctly . i don't really know your play style though ,, so yk . go for whoever fits your play style best too . 
               also ! if you go for yaoyao or ningguang – keep in mind dendro doesn't react with cryo nor geo , and in turn geo doesn't react with dendro . 
                this was a lot , whoops . but uh , go for whoever you want and i hope you have fun with them , whoever you choose !