@Crazy_Fan_Gurl It’s ok, just calm down and take your time. When times are hard and your life is being threaded into knots over and over and you have so many things to think about, calm your mind and try to get rid of things that are getting in the way of others.
Try doing one thing and go for it, take your time to do it at your own pace to not stress you out. You need to run on your own time set not one that is given to you by others.
Understand that you can do all things as long as you space them out.
In the end it will be a breath of fresh air, but remember you can always take breaks for air in anytime of need.
Try listening to music or walking outside to get more ideas to help on what you are currently working with.
Any type of calming thing to help yourself focus on the now, not the later. If you think about the later it will become the now and wreck what was to be done in the present time.
So take your time and remember to run at your own speed.