probably not coming back here anymore - the fics i came up with mean the world to me, especially peach & touchdown <3 but honestly i haven't opened any documents pertaining to them in many, many months, and my motivation comes and goes. just wanted to let you guys know <3 love all of you honestly, i still remember when i was writing walking dead game fanfic on this site

aaaa!!!! it’s sad to see you go but i wish you luck in whatever you do next!!! i absolutely loved empire line’s prologue it literally rewired my brain

also lol i have every plot point in both peach & touchdown written down and meticulously boarded out on pinterest, but i don't think they'll ever be actually completed in the near future. peach itself has been through 3 revamps and was currently on it's 4th revamp of all graphics when i put it down and decided i should leave it alone. it's a huge monster of a story it has 5 acts and an epilogue, all non-canon compliant, post-hoo, all planned out on one google doc [crying emoji]. genuinely means the world to me, that fic