HI, THIS IS PAEL SPEAKING. My deepest apologize for all my friends here who read EYES ON JU, moreover waiting for a new chapter, as I will be taking down the book tomorrow. Why, you might ask? I love all 23 boys but my heart is not strong enough to keep writing about ILAND. I want to keep the rest of the stories for my self. I sincerely thank each of you for all the time you have spent reading, the votes, the comments, everything! Thank you for being my friend. For the last time, I LAND YOU ALL But dont worry, im available to reach on twitter @/EJBYN. If you are ot9 luné, lets continue our friendship there instead. PS: i might write an &TEAM AU on twitter
@paellast KAKKKK(╥﹏╥) SEDIH BANGET AKU BARU LIAT WATTAPAD LAGI MALAH BACA YG BEGINI . kak padahal gak dilanjut juga gapapa, soalnya aku suka cerita kakak, aku sering baca2 ulang dari awal sedih banget:((( aku juga kangen iland yg dulu, tp senengnya mereka mulai debutnya masing-masing satu persatu ❤️