
          	My deepest apologize for all my friends here who read EYES ON JU, moreover waiting for a new chapter, as I will be taking down the book tomorrow. Why, you might ask? I love all 23 boys but my heart is not strong enough to keep writing about ILAND. I want to keep the rest of the stories for my self. I sincerely thank each of you for all the time you have spent reading, the votes, the comments, everything! Thank you for being my friend. For the last time, I LAND YOU ALL 
          	But dont worry, im available to reach on twitter @/EJBYN. If you are ot9 luné, lets continue our friendship there instead. PS: i might write an &TEAM AU on twitter


@paellast KAKKKK(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) SEDIH BANGET AKU BARU LIAT WATTAPAD LAGI MALAH BACA YG BEGINI . kak padahal gak dilanjut juga gapapa, soalnya aku suka cerita kakak, aku sering baca2 ulang dari awal sedih banget:((( aku juga kangen iland yg dulu, tp senengnya mereka mulai debutnya masing-masing satu persatu ❤️


          My deepest apologize for all my friends here who read EYES ON JU, moreover waiting for a new chapter, as I will be taking down the book tomorrow. Why, you might ask? I love all 23 boys but my heart is not strong enough to keep writing about ILAND. I want to keep the rest of the stories for my self. I sincerely thank each of you for all the time you have spent reading, the votes, the comments, everything! Thank you for being my friend. For the last time, I LAND YOU ALL 
          But dont worry, im available to reach on twitter @/EJBYN. If you are ot9 luné, lets continue our friendship there instead. PS: i might write an &TEAM AU on twitter


@paellast KAKKKK(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) SEDIH BANGET AKU BARU LIAT WATTAPAD LAGI MALAH BACA YG BEGINI . kak padahal gak dilanjut juga gapapa, soalnya aku suka cerita kakak, aku sering baca2 ulang dari awal sedih banget:((( aku juga kangen iland yg dulu, tp senengnya mereka mulai debutnya masing-masing satu persatu ❤️


dalam rangka the howling, eyes on ju bakal comeback bentar lagi! <3


@paellast YEAY ditunggu update an nya ya kak 




@ paellast  asikkk, akhirnyaaaaaaaaaa


haloo kak paell udh lama gk ke wp akuu wkwk anw blm sempet baca dr chap brp tp ik its gon be good but i just wanna say makasih kakk udh bikin eyes on ju its superr addictin gand i love it!! idk what happening in ur life but semangattt


Hai kak, aku hanya seorang readers yang b aja. Tapi serius cerita kk bagus banget huhu, kek aku tuh baru pertama kali baca cerita yang sebagus ini. Latar, tokoh, dll tertata rapi. Mangat ya kk, rajin² up, aku nungguin loh. Semangat kk cantik <3


@mooniyac haloio :D "readers yang b aja" apanya huhuhuh jarang jarang ada yang nulis di feeds aku  makasih banyak yaaa, kamu juga semangat terus cantikkk 


Happy belated birthday, IJU!
          Thank you for simply being alive until today... Well, there's no update on that but I will believe that you are still alive. Thanks for making the decisions that you have been made up until now. I miss you so much, but I know that you are still fighting for your dreams, so I won't stop cheering for you from here.  I really can't wait for your next birthday already, hopefully I can write you a birthday wish on SNS or send a fan letter next year. I will patiently wait until I can let you know that I love you so much.
          Sometimes it hurts when I have to force myself to imagine things because I don't know much about you. I wonder if I'm writing things right, because there's still a lot of uncertainties when it comes to you, who I barely know from 6 episodes of a survival show. But anyway, you made me start writing, a dream I want to pursue back then in my childhood. It's just a mere fanfiction, but I put my everything into it and eventually be a better writer, better person... And that's because of Byun Euijoo.
          I can't wait for the day that I can get to know you better, the days when you are living your dreams. Although it's hard, I hope we can endure it a little bit more. See you hopefully soon, EJ!
           #ウィジュくん19回目の誕生祭 #올해도_할수있다_의주야_생일축하해 #HAPPY_EJ_DAY


Halo semuanya, pael di sini! 
          Aku baru inget kalo aku punya story yang udah published di wattpad HAHAHAH maaf ya soalnya aku udah uninst gitu pas awal tahun, rencananya mau hiatus sambil healing tapi healingnya keterusan 
          Baru keinget pas ulang tahunnya iju, pas ngetweet hashtag gitu kok kaya ada yang kelupaan ya... Ternyata aku membiarkan eyes on ju mengendap di sini 
          Wekend aku up ya hehe. Sambil baca ulang eyes on ju (karena aku udah lupa ceritanya), aku mau balesin komen komen dulu dari chapter satu soalnya aku kangen kalian 
          I land you all, wish u a belated happy euijoo day!