
          The ravenette came at the other swinging an axe, a crazed look plastered on his face. “Purpled~” He called out as he let out a dark chuckle now whacking the axe against one of the others shins. “Come on now don’t run~!”


“Purpled! Can I sign Sam up for some therapy with you? His anger management classes with Puffy aren’t working.”


@paid2kill  @samthewarden-
            “Here you go Sam, he agreed to be your therapist.”


            ✩ ‶ of course man , bring him in whenever you can , I'll try to help him out as best as I can . ʺ ✩


the memories of you and me , I couldn't find
          dream wasn't going to be happy if he didn't hurry and leave . though tommy was kinda having troubles . now first off , why tommy even be working with dream ? well , it wasn't by choice , dream managed to get his hands on tommy one day and now was experimenting with something . which was kinda like mind control in a way , but tommy wasn't completely brain dead from it . now how dream was doing that was something no one knew . anyways , second off , the reason tommy was having troubles right was mainly because of being tied up for the time being , seeing as he was given the task to go after purpled . why , he had no clue and he didn't care . 
          eyes narrowed at the alien hybrid now , tommy began to squirm around a bit more once again . ' let me go . ' he hisses out towards the other ,  tail swaying frustratedly behind him . 


✩ //︰@r3dhorns_
             ⇢ Purpled couldn't help but frown at the look Tommy was giving him , it couldn't tell if their anger was towards it or not , but damn he had never seen that look on the other's face , kinda shook him up a little . ‶ Dream ? but I thought you didn't like him .. ʺ Purpled said in disbelief , shaking his head as he watched Tommy struggle against the ropes . ‶ why ? what even happened Tommy ? ʺ he couldn't believe it , maybe he deserved it but he still couldn't understand why Tommy would side with Dream , out of all people . ✩


@paid2kill !
            tommy just gave a blank expression to the other , eyes clouded with slight rage . grumbling towards this he looked away from purpled , refusing to make eye contact now . this was now pissing them off more and more . ' dream , he was the one who told me to . ' he replied with , small huffs escaping him . though it was quite unusual for them to be listening to dream , something definitely wasn't right . eyes narrowing more he looks back at purpled  , squirming around trying to loosened or do something to the ropes . he even tried to  just break them , since ropes did have kind of weak point . they didn't understand why they were so angry with the other , but he was . maybe it was just cause of all this going on and it was just built up rage that was coming out right now . 


✩ //︰@racc00nvillain_ 
            ⇢ Purpled shook his head , crossing his arms while he gave Tommy a pissed off look , he was angry , so angry and felt betrayed that Tommy went after him , Purpled didn't even know why , although it was a failed attempt considering the fact the raccoon hybrid was tied up  now , he couldn't help but snicker at that . ‶ do you really think I'm gonna let you go ? ʺ it had leaned closer to their face , angered expression turning into a cold one . ‶ you tried to hurt me , so unless you want to be let go , start talking , maybe I'll even let you go without any injuries .ʺ it hissed , standing back up as it took a step back from them . ‶ why did you come after me ? who told you to ? ʺ ✩


          The ravenette had Purpled pinned down to where he couldn’t move, a sword pressed firmly against his neck. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just take one of your lives right now.” He narrowed his eyes down at the male, a hostile glint sparkling in his gaze. “Go on, tell me.”


            Sapnap regained his balance and clutched the sword tightly just taking a swing at Purpled, striking him in the arm. “Stop? Yeah no that’s not going to happen.”


✩ //︰@ARS0NlST-
            ⇢ Purpled instantly raised his legs up and kicked Sapnap off of him with all his strength it had , quickly holding it's own throat while scooting away .  ‶ Sapnap s..stop ! ʺ he managed to get out , voice cracking and was panting heavily . ✩


            “No.” A sinister smile formed across his face while he drove the sword into his neck, something inside of him just snapping within an instant. He felt no remorse for what he had done.


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.。.:*✧ ` I say something insulting , but yet I don't mean it .  .  . `
          small huffs leaving the younger male as his hands or well now hand were balled into fist , a small scoff left him . ' you're such an asshole . . . my god , I should've known better to stick around with someone like you . I should've just left you alone that day when quackity was close to killing you . ' yea maybe he might be taking his words a but too far , but purpled started it with taking things too far . 


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            ' nope , I'm still wanting to complain ' they say , bringing a head patting purpled head a bit . when hearing what was said , he bopped him on the head now . ' oh shut up , asshole '


this message may be offensive
✩ //︰@racc00nghost_
            ⇢ he rolled his eyes with a small huff , resting his head on top of the other's. ‶ seems like you are . ʺ it decided to fuck with them again . ‶ at least you don't look like a homeless man now. ʺ ✩


            when the knots were out and the other was just brushing their hair , it be lie if they said they didn't find that part a bit relaxing . ' hm , no I'm not . ' he answered with simply , leaning himself back against the other now . 


the  egg  vs  the  brothers
          by  ashton  <3
          #     tw  :  swearing  ,  possible  gore  &  death


(   @paid2kill   )
            punz  was  just  letting  each  word  pass  by  his  ears  ,  not  allowing  such  to  be  trapped  inside  of  his  brain  and  give  it  time  to  understand  what  was  being  said  .  no  ,  he  focused  on  his  brother  .  he  knew  when  it  was  time  ,  his  mind  was  click  on  and  tell  him  to  get  ready  and  follow  bads  and  the  eggs  orders  .  he  shrugged  the  others  concern  off  .  but  that  was  always  usual  .  it  seemed  that  throughout  the  years  they  spent  together  ,  whenever  purpled  was  worried  for  punz  ,  he  would  always  brush  it  off  .  because  punz  had  to  be  a  good  older  brother  and  give  him  some  sort  of  false  sense  of  security  to  let  him  know  that  it  was  going  to  be  okay  .  
            even  brain  controlled  ,  there  was  still  something  in  punz  that  did  truly  want  the  other  to  be  .  that  truly  did  love  and  care  for  him  .  and  he  gave  him  a  small  smile  ,  (  i  love  you  too  )  .  but  soon  the  boy  caught  sight  of  the  new  light  source  in  the  room  .  lava  from  either  sides  of  the  room  started  to  fall  ,  encaging  the  guests  in  with  the  egg  .  it  was  time  .


✩//︰@ggoldenarrows // sorry for the extremely late response!! I'm back now <3
            ⇢ ‶ you don't seem fine . ʺ Purpled mouthed , it could tell there was something bothering him but decided to not bother Punz about it any longer.
            As the speech was going the alien got more and more nervous by the second , and he would hate to admit that it was , even if it was shown in his face that he was starting to , lightly squeezing Punz's hand as it decided to listen on the voices while he still focused onto his brother , mouthing to him again . ‶ I love you . ʺ ✩


(  @paid2kill  )
            maybe  punz  could  pull  off  his  state  behind  the  truth  of  the  banquet  .  both  of  them  knew  how  this  was  going  to  end  up  ;  a  blood  bath  .  but  the  other  perhaps  didnt  know  of  his  brothers  internal  battles  .  he  felt  as  his  stare  was  cut  off  as  he  felt  pressure  down  to  his  hand  ,  his  eyes  snapping  down  to  look  at  it  .  he  was  usually  tense  and  quick  to  feel  pressure  ,  but  not  like  this  .  and  not  when  he  knew  it  was  purpled  .  there  was  definitely  something  bothering  him  on  a  more  personal  level  .  “  im  fine  purp  .  ”  he  mouthed  back  ,  a  small  whisper  leaving  his  mouth  as  he  heard  voices  in  the  background  .  the  speech  was  starting  .  still  no  signs  of  the  true  intentions  of  today  ,  but  the  ball  was  starting  to  roll  and  he  had  to  hide  his  smile  .


← you good ?
             tommy didn't really get much sleep at night so he usually just lay around before walking around the house to kill off time . well doing his normal rounds of walking around , he heard a slight noise from purpled room . like a slight scream or something . making his way to the bedroom , he lightly knocked before going in . * purpled ? you good big man ? * he asked lowly 


               ' right , uh - huh , sure it was ' they says with a small chuckle leaving them . ' yea , um , I like my tail fluffy ' he says , moving a bit , tail slightly swaying a bit


            ⇢‶ because you're warm ! that's the only reason . ʺHe tried to justify , giving them a small glare , ‶ you're dramatic , maybe I will shave it so you look like one of those hairless cats . ʺ ✩


               ' you're the one who was begging me to stay just earlier ago ' he says softly , his tone growing more soft . relaxing when feeling his tail being petted . ' if you shave my tail , I might just cry ' he says dramatically 