I’m just completing Veterinary work placement right now, so excuse the lack of updates for this week tank ou!
And if anyone cares:
Today in the clinic went pretty good, it’s very busy on Mondays since they are closed Sundays.
I watched a dog get its bowels emptied, everything smelt like poo but it was all to help the poor pup.
Also a big golden retriever came in, her name was the same as mine, and she had been attacked by another dog. Fortunately, she is alright. but watching how the vet nurses and vets all jumped right on it to save her life was truely heartwarming. It was good to know kind and caring people still exist in the world.
I mostly observed surgeries, cleaned observation rooms, and learn how all the admin processes worked today. But, overall it was so fun and I’m looking forward for the week to come. It’s so amazing to meet and see all the different puppies and kitties that come to see us, we all love to sneak a small cuddle with the cute ones when we get a chance to.
My favourite patient so far would have to be Freddie, a 3 year old Dashhound who’s tongue sticks out from his mouth. He’s a bit of a derp, but I love him.