Hi readers! I just want to say I’m not on watt pad very often but I am trying my hardest to be on as much as possible. I’m starting my first year of high school and im super nervous. I know I only have a few followers or readers but I’m fine with that. I just want to know at least one person is reading my work. Thank you to those who have read and those who will read in the future. Writing has always been my passion and it will stick with me for the rest of my life. Writing for me is about feeling the words, really just taking a pen and letting your hand do the work not thinking too much, but just living in the moment and letting ur thoughts scramble onto the paper. Writing is a way to cope with all ur struggles. Atleast that’s what I think. Everyone has an opinion. Feel free to share yours as well! Thanks so much for letting reading this if you did, it means a lot. I want to be able to share my passion with the world. Thanks guys!!