Mature Warnings for Mental Health Topics (Part 1)
Seven Hearts is a 4-book Space Opera. Each book has a multitude of characters, roughly nine to ten. As the series is a multi-pov series, that means each character gets up close and personal. Each of these characters are fully-fleshed identites and personalities who have experienced a wide range of living.
Naturally, in response to the negatives of these experiences, mental health issues will arise. That does not make any of the characters weak. The crew of the Dnanleri deal with a wide variety of mental health issues and topics within the actual story arc of the space opera. Topics such as suicide, anxiety, panic attacks, self-worth, depression, unresolved anger from trauma, and more are in the arc as part of their personalities. These conditions do not make the characters weak; they make them real. How two different people react to the same scenario sometimes boils down to brain chemistry. You can't negotiate brain chemistry or verbally tell it how you think it should behave.
The ways the scars of trauma alter a person over time can not be "blemished out" because it's unsightly. It becomes a part of who they are. A person can repair the scar over time like a piece of Japanese Kintsugi. The crack remains, just now held together with gold lining.