Hey there beautiful people. A very warm morning to you.
Not everything is easy. Sometimes, we are unable to do the things that we normally would do effortlessly. Sometimes, we are unable to speak up and have our voices heard. Sometimes, we struggle to communicate with others or ask for assistance.
But in every situation, we have a choice. We could wallow in our own self-pity and wonder if we would ever be able to find the perfect solution on our own. Or, we could take acknowledge that we are struggling, and take action about it.
And what better way to solve a problem than to first ask for help?
Indian Legion has the perfect solutions for you. Composed of a truly stellar and supportive advisory team, we present two amazing books made and tuned to support you.
From Stellar Salahkaar, you can find a plethora of members who are there to guide you through every struggle you face, whether it be about struggling with writer's block or facing major life decisions.
From Supportive Salah, you'll find an amazing team who stands by you to answer any questions you have! Based on the community's Sarahah forum, our team will answer any and every question you have!
Why hesitate? Check out these amazing books today!
Here's the link to our Supportive Salaah book:
Here's the link to our Stellar Salhakaars book: