song: watch me whip
mia: nae naes
cade: nae naes
ethan: dabs
other kids: whips
song: watch me nae nae
mia: whips
cade: whips
ethan: hits the quan
other kids: nae naes
cade: why am i here in the first place
cade: i don't dance
cade: someone kill me now
mia: srry
mia: dies
cade: o
cade: dies
ethan: I can spy on ewan
cade: you wot m8
mia: omg
zillia: F THIS IM OUT
ethan: look at this, he's eating alone
cade: awh how sad
mia: rip
everyone: stares at zillia
zillia: its true
ethan: don't be mean om
everyone: o
zillia: dies
emcee: are you ready to start?!
kids: yeah!!!
cade: no
ethan: quiet screech
emcee: come on guys. you can do better than that! are you ready to start?!
kids: yeAH!!
cade: i said nO
ethan: screeeEEECCCCCHHHH
cade: dies
zillia: dies
mia: dies
kids: dies
emcee: dies
ethan: dies