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life update cuz why the fuck not - i dont even know if anyone is active here anymore, this accounts getting old holy shit. so am i, i suppose. I’m going to be a senior in a few months, i started this account the summer between 8th and 9th grade. that’s so wild to me, even if this account makes me cringe my ass off, it still shows how much i’ve grown as an individual. from my interactions, to my interests, everything about me has shifted. i think in a way i’m grateful for that, i had a whole lot of growing up to do these past few years. time is a weird thing, it feels like just yesterday i was that weird ass 13 year old reading ryan ross fanfiction, and sulking in my bed room 10 hours a day. it felt like those days wouldn’t end sometimes, but here i am i suppose. im happier than ever. i have an actual hobby or two, i found passion in tech theatre, and i’ve even decided on going into teaching when i’m older. junior year flew by, and i’d never thought i’d be saying this but every now and again i miss those slow, calm days i had as a 13 year old. it seems silly calling them calm now, because we were absolutely terrified while it happened (covid era). now im going on 17, life is busy, but i’m happy, thats all that matters right?