it’s been a while…i have a habit of downloading and deleting this app over and over and over again to the point where the repetitiveness is getting annoying…
things aren’t the way they were…i miss the person who i used to be…i miss the way things were…i miss binge watching strangers things every day of every summer. i miss my friends…i miss the way things used to be..
but in this life, you’ll always regret the things you didn’t do, and regret the things you did do, i get that now. and i get that you’ll never get to go back and right your wrongs and do things over again. and that sucks, cause there’s so much i wanna go back and tell myself from you two years ago and give a warning on what may come my way and what to avoid if i could. maybe that’s me being selfish? I don’t know, is it selfish to want to correct my mistakes and warn myself of things i should avoid?
things will never be the same and i get that now, someone once told me that “sometimes you have to live with cards you get, and deal with it.” but that’s not right.
someone once said “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. it’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”
whatever comes my way, whatever struggle i come across i refuse to be like everyone else for blaming the world, cowards do that and that’s not me. i’m better than that.
i just wanted to come back here and vent about this, that’s all. who knows? maybe someday i’ll get off my lazy ass and finish writing these stories? i bet you’d all like that huh?
anyway, thank you.