aright so...
My partner came over for the first time today. We've been dating for about a month and they know how much I love the two corey's and especially Stand By Me. I have a teddy bear I made at Build A Bear Workshop when i was like 7 that I named Duchamp. My babysitter at the time could do a pretty damn good Teddy Duchamp impression so whenever you press his paw it has a number of Teddy's quotes from the movie. My grandmother even embroidered Duchamps name on his ear for my 8th birthday. Anyway, I was scared to death my partner would make fun of me for it but they DIDN'T!! They even said I kinda reminded them of Teddy since i have glasses like his and my voice a little scratchy.
Do you ya'll thing they're a keeper???
I feel the need to address this...
20 years ago today, two planes hijacked by terrorists of Al-Qaeda hit the World Trades Center. Not long after, both towers collapsed, killing thousands. May we never forget the gentle souls who died, and the brave souls who died fighting.
K so if ur a hardcore Def Leppard fan you know that there are pics out there of Sav playing bass with his jeans unbuttoned. I just wanted to say that he is THE sexiest bassist alive