
We're not gonna talk about the fact that I haven't been active for over a year okay? 
          	I did publish a new story tho so feel free to check it out!! 


@palayes_baby_pirate hey girly! It’s Cordelia, how’ve you been?


Does anybody know how to change the font on here? Apparently I'm so dumb i can't even figure that out


@ palayes_baby_pirate  
            If u go on app store and search Fonts and then click on fonts keyboard that's the only thing I know lol


@ palayes_baby_pirate  isn't it an app?


I love you


@palayes_baby_pirate so, will you role-play with me?


@rexy4evr I do have a bad habit of pretending to be Emerson...i think the fact that my name's emerson might have something to do with it lol


aright so...
          My partner came over for the first time today. We've been dating for about a month and they know how much I love the two corey's and especially Stand By Me. I have a teddy bear I made at Build A Bear Workshop when i was like 7 that I named Duchamp. My babysitter at the time could do a pretty damn good Teddy Duchamp impression so whenever you press his paw it has a number of Teddy's quotes from the movie. My grandmother even embroidered Duchamps name on his ear for my 8th birthday. Anyway, I was scared to death my partner would make fun of me for it but they DIDN'T!! They even said I kinda reminded them of Teddy since i have glasses like his and my voice a little scratchy. 
          Do you ya'll thing they're a keeper???


Yes!❤️ Wish I had someone.


I feel the need to address this...
          20 years ago today, two planes hijacked by terrorists of Al-Qaeda hit the World Trades Center. Not long after, both towers collapsed, killing thousands. May we never forget the gentle souls who died, and the brave souls who died fighting.