
im alive !!! im trying to finish broken ties after a long while away. i also gave the home-bound books new covers. i think they’re kinda swell!


@MseriesJ143 please continue writing, your stories are amazing


Hey I noticed your How to train Your Dragon fan.
          I made some of my own How to train Your Dragon books and I'm trying to get more feedback on them.
          Can you please read this one and tell me what you think please as it would mean a lot to me.


          I'm sorry I disappeared (again). I didn't know how to continue the next chapter so I took a break but then I got caught up in other fandoms and ended up forgetting about Home-Bound. Which is horrible, I know, because this story is my literal child. The record of five years of my writing. The thing I used to gain experience and figure out my own style. 
          TBH, I don't know how steadily I'll be able to continue Home-Bound. I still love what I've done with the plot and I'm so proud of how far I've come, but I'm going to start college applications in a few months. I'm starting an internship, I'm going abroad for a good three months. I know it's not the best news to hear that I won't be updating after I haven't updated in six months but I'm sorry. I just want to be honest with y'all.


@MseriesJ143 please update soon because I really love the homebound series


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I took a much-needed break from social media, my editor had a LOT of other obligations, I had this intense essay to finish, and I completely redid my plot for the rest of the story. So I’ll hope to get the next chapter of Home-Bound up ASAP as soon as I get my shit together