hey, so this might be a drunken mess and I doubt anyone would see this. but probably worth the read. it's eather pretty romantic or really cheesy.
I'm on facetime with my friends. one is a crush. I wrote something about her. feel free to read but I'm just getting this off my chest I guess :)
those eyes
as she gazed into my eyes from over the screen I finally realised something. I can't stay in like with her for much longer. it hurts too much to know that I can't be with her, because she just doesn't want me. it's that simple.
but then again. it's easier said than done right? it's easier to say that I can just stop liking her. but I can't.
she has too much power with in the beautiful eyes.
those gorgeous brown eyes. no. green eyes if you look closer. but only in the light that is. those eyes hold a power within them. the power to keep a person trapped in the dark until they can finally see the light. it's like she keeps you trapped within the darkness of not being able to let go of your feeling. that is until you can finally see the light that is someone else who would like you back.
but for now