
this message may be offensive
To the few that care, I haven't given up on the story. I'm actually going to rewrite it after the release of the next chapter. And I'm also working on something else that is taking a fucking CENTURY to get done so sorry about that (the first chapter of that might release sometime late this year). 


@pancakeman80 Hey. I was wondering for your "Brutal Protector" rewrite, are you going to keep Ladia alive for the remainder of the story? She is a nice OC introduced and has given Kaden a shoulder to lean on when things get rough.


Ladia will live for the remainder of the story, so don’t worry, she’ll still be Kaden’s anchor for the foreseeable future.


this message may be offensive
To the few that care, I haven't given up on the story. I'm actually going to rewrite it after the release of the next chapter. And I'm also working on something else that is taking a fucking CENTURY to get done so sorry about that (the first chapter of that might release sometime late this year).