"BrokEn CrAyons stIll CoLour"

"'FuCk (vErb): cAn bE usEd in mAny ways And Is probabLy thE onLy fuCkIng word thAt cAn bE put evEry fuCkIngwhEre And stiLl mAke fuCking sEnse"

"I wAs crEatEd to creAte"

"I survIvEd bEcAuse the fIrE InsIde mE burnEd brIghtEr thAn thE fIre Around mE"

" 'You.' ,
And just LikE thAt,
ThE greAtest
Was wrIttEn,

In OnE Word."

"I am A big bElIevEr of rAndom cApItaLisAtIon; thE ruLes of cApItAlIsAtIon ArE so unfAir to thE words In thE mIddLe.

-mArgo spIEgELmAn, j. Green (PT)
  • In the wardrobe, on my way to Narnia.
  • SumaliJune 19, 2017

6 Mga Reading List