
I would just like to put out there that, I have not given up on this story and I will update soon. I am currently working on it, just struggling with some minor writer's block, but I'm getting there. You guys are amazing, I don't even have words to describe it. Y'all motivate me to continue writing, and I think it's the cutest thing ever when you guys comment your reactions, it just turns my whole shitty day around. Thank you cupcakes❤!


@pandabeaiis1 thank god. I was getting worried. Take your time :)


Hi! I saw your comment on ikrcamila's wattpad account . I know it's been like 2 years but do you still know where can I read the full story "all an act" someone replied to you and told you where you can read it but the comment aint there:/
          Thanks in advance! 

pandabeaiis1 originally called Cats and Dogs


Are you going to carry on writing either fics?


@LewisBarnesCuentos hahha u didn't have to but ... ❤


@LewisBarnesCuentos i had a chapter already written for Pretend. I just published it jusr for you


@LewisBarnesCuentos no problem  I was just making sure that you were still active because a lot of writers start fics like 3-4 and then stop without any explanation and then I look at the last chapter update and it says like last updated in 2015 ...  but I happy to see that your still active and take your time  no rush


I would just like to put out there that, I have not given up on this story and I will update soon. I am currently working on it, just struggling with some minor writer's block, but I'm getting there. You guys are amazing, I don't even have words to describe it. Y'all motivate me to continue writing, and I think it's the cutest thing ever when you guys comment your reactions, it just turns my whole shitty day around. Thank you cupcakes❤!


@pandabeaiis1 thank god. I was getting worried. Take your time :)