Hello guys! I'm finally back with new and interesting stories!
I hope you like this new updated version of pandabearisaunicorn! And don't come at me with my writing, haven't written anything in about 8 months now XD
Huge love Xx
I am so sorry for the Swedish message if you're not from Sweden but I just wanted to reach out for them as well as you guys! I love every single one of my followeres and thank you for reading all of my stories! Huge love PBIAU <3
Jag ville bara tacka alla mina svenska läsare och följare för att ni läser min nya svenska bok, tack så grymt mycket för ert stöd. Med stora kramar pandabearisaunicorn
I'm sorry but I won't be able to update today, I've felt really poorly and don't really wanted to write today because of that but I'll try my best for tomorrow! :) love you loads! ;*