
"You Are My Adventure" will ending after 19 chapters. I hope you will enjoy latest episodes. Thanks all for your support and your comments. I'm working on new stories.


@ Gwakenxale  Thank you so much. Good things have to end for new beginning . Your words means so much ❤❤. I'm so glad that my work speaks to people ❤


@pandafaitboucan Always waiting with anticipation for your chapters ... 
          	  5 more till your beautiful take on SelDem ending may not the be best feeling for us... but it also means 5 more moments to look forward to ❤️️❤️️❤️️ All the best with the rest of your work! We're always gonna root for ya!


Hello sir,, I hope you are fine I want ask one question this 19 episode are the 2 nd season of her yerde sen because I don't find anywhere, please answer me i am getting stressed. Please


@ DigrajMakwana  Hi. There is no season 2. Her Yerde Sen has 23 episodes. I wrote a sequel about the story 


"You Are My Adventure" will ending after 19 chapters. I hope you will enjoy latest episodes. Thanks all for your support and your comments. I'm working on new stories.


@ Gwakenxale  Thank you so much. Good things have to end for new beginning . Your words means so much ❤❤. I'm so glad that my work speaks to people ❤


@pandafaitboucan Always waiting with anticipation for your chapters ... 
            5 more till your beautiful take on SelDem ending may not the be best feeling for us... but it also means 5 more moments to look forward to ❤️️❤️️❤️️ All the best with the rest of your work! We're always gonna root for ya!