Alright hi again everyone! I have finally decided to do something about this account of mine quq So I actually need everyone to tell me what they want me to do, since I'm not too sure myself The books that I will be continuing are Children of Light and Star in the Sky (simply because SOMETHING AND SOMEONE dragged me back into the fandom and I miss writing about my boys) But because I have new inspiration for the same story line kinda thing I was wondering if you guys wanted me to keep writing from where I was or reset the books? And if I reset the books should I un-publish the former ones or should I just put a break in them and start my new writing thing? (this is mostly for Children of Light) The other books on my account are gonna burn there is no hope for me in writing them for the reason of I don't even know the characters anymore. I don't know their personality and whatnot so yea. So everyone who read the Maze Runner Related books, please let me know what you want me to do with the whole resetting the book thing or not! Oh also, anyone interested in me writing the whole story in Newt's perspective? I'll start from the Sunflares and everything. I would do separate stories for the Books and for the Movies (Once I watch The Death Cure that is. I have heard and seen a lot of spoilers but i need to watch it still quq) Anyways thats all. Thanks for reading if you did -w-