HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! I HOPE UR DOING AMAZING!!! I can’t believe January is over!!!! WE DID IT YAY!!!! I have been so busy that I forgot to come online and announce that it’s officially been my 10 year anniversary on here!!!! AGHHHHH THATS SO EXCITING!!!!! IM SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS LAST DECADE AND I HOPE WE CAN STILL HAVE FUN THESE NEXT FEW YEARS!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! i have been so so happy lately oh my goodness. i don’t think i have ever loved writing as much as i do rn. it’s consuming me in SOOOO many ways. i do want to check in and keep you guys updated that I am still here!!! but work, school, and internships are starting off crazy!!! but pls don’t worry, i am resting every chance i can!!!! and in my free time, I haven’t had time to actually write chapters bc of my intense schedule, but!!! I have been working on ideas and expanding on certain concepts i want to show in my stories!!! and trying to get the courage to use my instagram once more!!! small things, but still something to be proud of!!!! it’s just really small things that makes me love Aspen/Chejiokas/NY + my others stories more & more AHHHHHHHH.

I’m starting to find my rhythm with my life; and once I have a pretty decent rhythm, I’ll definitely do more & more!!!! but in the meantime, i’ve also been doing some great hobbies!!! getting into more music, musicals, movies, books, and drawing again!!! and hanging out with friends!!! it’s been a blast!!!!! i love u guys and i hope ur having a great January!!!! let’s continue this greatness into February!!!!!