
Nice name lol


@IslaDober I do.  I'll use them as bait...I mean enticements if that will help 
            This person sounds like an amateur. Nettles are what children use to make tea.  The professionals use barbed wire and razor wire soaked in battery acid then coated with shards of broken glass.  Then poison dart frogs are rubbed on them. 
            Fingerpuppets are for amateurs.   The professionals use full size ventriloquism dummies big enough to fit their entire forearm into that they make from victims...I mean friends...they lure into the sewers with candy, puppies, red balloons, and rusty plastic sporks. 
            Oh. Did I say that out loud? 
            You sound like you have fine culinary tastes.  Everyone knows you don't cook children...I mean fish. It ruins the taste. Toddler tartare, FTW. 
            The only thing that goes with salad is breadsticks.  Mayhaps his feet are breadsticks.  Either way, if he walks on them, I'm not interested in finding out.  The restaurant health inspector would not approve.


@pandmoanyum Ooo a whole collection? Lucky. 
            He had more, along with rusty pots, nails, finger puppets (oh how I miss Hubert Cumberdale), and nettles which he carried in a baby stroller. However, we’re not on the best terms as of lately, we had a disagreement over his preferred cooking method for children… I mean fish. 
            You know, that’s a great question but I’m not quite sure, never saw him without his trusty brown boots on. The guy was weird about his feet.


@IslaDober i do.  i have a collection of them.
            im sure he has more he wouldnt mind sharing with you.  maybe even some rusty nails.  or finger puppets.
            out of curiosity, if his fingers are salad, what are his toes.