
Merry Christmas guys! Hope you have a great and safe holiday. Y'all are the best!! I'm so thankful for all of you :D stay amazing 


I know for some of you this is completely irrelevant, but for those of you living in the United States, happy Independence Day. Eat lots, watch fireworks, where cute red white and blue outfits, and HAVE FUN!!! I love you all. Stay amazing :)
          -Emma (panemgirl)
          Side note: for all of you who have recently updated, I will read your stories either tomorrow or Monday. 


I'm so proud of the Supreme Court of America and all the other supporters who fought hard to legalize same-sex marriage. At the end of the day, all that matters is that in all 50 states people can live freely with those that they want to share their lives with. Perhaps it is the writer in me, but this is true proof that love outlasts everything else. And for that I couldn't be more happy. Don't let hate cloud your world. Love openly and live a life full of joy. To the lgbt community stay amazing and as for the rest of you stay amazing too. With lots of love,
          -panemgirl (Emma)