
even if they were there, you wouldn't know what to say. because you're not good with words and it just frustrates everyone involved. you're feeling everything imaginable but the sentence structure fluctuates and you can't seem to dig deep enough for a word that'll make sense to them.


even if they were there, you wouldn't know what to say. because you're not good with words and it just frustrates everyone involved. you're feeling everything imaginable but the sentence structure fluctuates and you can't seem to dig deep enough for a word that'll make sense to them.


stop trying to get their attention. they're not looking and when they do, you'll pretend it was just "nothing. a bump in depression but i'm back on track" again. when they keep asking, you'll scream inside your head at them to stop. they should've been there when you were waving your hand in their faces.


people are changing. she's changing, i'm changing, another she is changing and idk if she even cares about me anymore. i want to move ahead a year and be in my.. i was going to say fourteen year old mind but then i remembered how bad that year was. so was 15, and 16.. and all before that. i don't know i'm just rambling now. don't ask me about it on tuesday. this didn't happen.


Lets do a poll that nobody will bother to notice! Whomever thinks i should make the chapters in Cold Hands, Warm Heart longer send a happy face. Whomever thinks they're fine in length, send a sad face!!


@panicatthecatfish you right. Still counts tho


@zackychang you spelled participator wrong and you didn't even participate 