Hey everyone!!! I hope you're all fine and well!! (◕ᴗ◕✿) I know I have been inactive for quite sometime now... Things haven't been great, and I'm quite stressed about it. BUT the good news are: I'M BACK!!! Hehehehehehehe :D I've got one "double" story I'll be publishing within some days which will be in GREEK but I'm gonna do myself an ENGLISH adaptation!!! This story is one that I'm fully dedicated to, cuz it has a subtle meaning in every fact that's happening in it. But I'm not gonna reveal something for the time being. ;) Also, I'm preparing a FANFIC, which I'll spill the tea; is about Harry Potter!!! I'm a huge POTTERFAN and so I must do it. I MUST THO INFORM: it will be a complete different story in which Harry and his generation won't be depicted.. (sorry, it's not a Harry Potter parallel universe). :) Last but not least: I will creat a "place" in which I'm gonna post there stuff about my stories; like small parts, thoughts and stuff. I'll give you an insight into my stories in other words. Hehe :) Oh, wait don't go just yet! I have something more to tell!!! I'm gonna create a POEMS story! In which I'm gonna post GREEK & ENGLISH poems. But cuz I'm multilingual, I WILL DO MY BEST to have all the poems both in Greek and in English!!! Ofc the adaptations will differ! Rhyme and Vocabulary must fit the meaning! :) Thanks for your time and I hope to see comments on the new updates!!! :D ♡ P.S.: The currently published stories will get changed! Not completely but some parts are crucial to get changed. :/

@AviciiinAthens2018 Thank youu!! I look forward to share everything with you! Hehehehe (≧▽≦)

@ panos_b_ Thank God you came back I thought you died or something. Glad to hear you'll continue your stories! I know you're stressed right now, but know that I'll be here to support you, both as a follower and as friend.