
Hey everyone!!! I hope you're all fine and well!! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
          	I know I have been inactive for quite sometime now... Things haven't been great, and I'm quite stressed about it. BUT the good news are:
          	I'M BACK!!! Hehehehehehehe :D
          	I've got one "double" story I'll be publishing within some days which will be in GREEK but I'm gonna do myself an ENGLISH adaptation!!! This story is one that I'm fully dedicated to, cuz it has a subtle meaning in every fact that's happening in it. But I'm not gonna reveal something for the time being. ;)
          	Also, I'm preparing a FANFIC, which I'll spill the tea; is about Harry Potter!!! I'm a huge POTTERFAN and so I must do it. I MUST THO INFORM: it will be a complete different story in which Harry and his generation won't be depicted.. (sorry, it's not a Harry Potter parallel universe). :)
          	Last but not least: I will creat a "place" in which I'm gonna post there stuff about my stories; like small parts, thoughts and stuff. I'll give you an insight into my stories in other words. Hehe :)
          	Oh, wait don't go just yet! I have something more to tell!!! I'm gonna create a POEMS story! In which I'm gonna post GREEK & ENGLISH poems. But cuz I'm multilingual, I WILL DO MY BEST to have all the poems both in Greek and in English!!! Ofc the adaptations will differ! Rhyme and Vocabulary must fit the meaning! :)
          	Thanks for your time and I hope to see comments on the new updates!!! :D ♡
          	P.S.: The currently published stories will get changed! Not completely but some parts are crucial to get changed. :/


@AviciiinAthens2018 Thank youu!! I look forward to share everything with you! Hehehehe (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


@ panos_b_  Thank God you came back I thought you died or something. Glad to hear you'll continue your stories! I know you're stressed right now, but know that I'll be here to support you, both as a follower and as friend.


Hey everyone!!! I hope you're all fine and well!! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
          I know I have been inactive for quite sometime now... Things haven't been great, and I'm quite stressed about it. BUT the good news are:
          I'M BACK!!! Hehehehehehehe :D
          I've got one "double" story I'll be publishing within some days which will be in GREEK but I'm gonna do myself an ENGLISH adaptation!!! This story is one that I'm fully dedicated to, cuz it has a subtle meaning in every fact that's happening in it. But I'm not gonna reveal something for the time being. ;)
          Also, I'm preparing a FANFIC, which I'll spill the tea; is about Harry Potter!!! I'm a huge POTTERFAN and so I must do it. I MUST THO INFORM: it will be a complete different story in which Harry and his generation won't be depicted.. (sorry, it's not a Harry Potter parallel universe). :)
          Last but not least: I will creat a "place" in which I'm gonna post there stuff about my stories; like small parts, thoughts and stuff. I'll give you an insight into my stories in other words. Hehe :)
          Oh, wait don't go just yet! I have something more to tell!!! I'm gonna create a POEMS story! In which I'm gonna post GREEK & ENGLISH poems. But cuz I'm multilingual, I WILL DO MY BEST to have all the poems both in Greek and in English!!! Ofc the adaptations will differ! Rhyme and Vocabulary must fit the meaning! :)
          Thanks for your time and I hope to see comments on the new updates!!! :D ♡
          P.S.: The currently published stories will get changed! Not completely but some parts are crucial to get changed. :/


@AviciiinAthens2018 Thank youu!! I look forward to share everything with you! Hehehehe (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


@ panos_b_  Thank God you came back I thought you died or something. Glad to hear you'll continue your stories! I know you're stressed right now, but know that I'll be here to support you, both as a follower and as friend.


Thx for adding my story to your library!


No problem! Happy to follow. Going to check out more of your stories in the future!!! :D


@Ember-Ignis Thanks, it would mean a lot :)


It means lot u know


Hey, y'all! Wassup? 
          Happy Summer to everyone!!!
          So, I know I haven't published in a while, but I promise in-between gaps I'm gonna write and complete chapters of my Stories...
          Also, I've got small/big news for ya. I got signed up for a Free(themed) Literary Writing Contest in school, and since many people liked it, after the announcements of the winners and stuff, I'm gonna be uploading it here!!!
          A sneak peek; let's say... it has drama, romance......... and a bit of a murder... I can't say more!!! Hope you're interested!
          (!)Unfortuantely, the thing is, it's gonna be in Greek, not English; so anyone who doesn't know the language probably won't be able to read the story... SO! If you want, I might be able to make a translation/conversion/adaptation and update them both each time... I don't know, I guess it's up to you; I'm just suggesting...
          See ya! Ciao-ciao!! XOXO
          P.S.: Studying and stuff might postpone the writing sometimes, but I'll  find ways to fit it in my schedule..!


@AviciiinAthens2018 Thank you, happy to hear that. Of course I will, your help is much appreciated ✌
            Happy summer to you too!☀️️


@ panos_leros  Hello! I'm glad to hear from you! I'm waiting for your new story with excitement, and in case you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Happy summer my friend!


Hey everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Wish you a Happy New Year, with joy, love, grace and above all health!
          Sorry, I wasn't publishing any of my stories, school was kinda overwhelming... So, I think as a good plan it will be for me to expand my chapters - meaning MORE plot in them - in favour of your reading times and my time to chill, plus write.
          Hope everybody is having a great time with your loved one's this time of the year and if you find space go check out the update on "The Abnormal Nation" and don't forget to like (★) and write some comments if you want.
          Many thanks for the patience, and best regards :)


@AviciiinAthens2018 Wishing for you the same :) Thanks for your kind words, hope you'll publish too soon enough! Missed the action and laughter of your stories XD


@ panos_leros  I wish the best for you, your family and your loved ones. May great ideas come to your mind from deep within your heart, because your imagination is one of the rarest and most beautiful kinds. Your faithful follower, LoveAviciiGR.❤


Hey everyone,
              I'm really sorry I haven't updated any of my stories the whole Summer. To be honest I needed a small time-out. I have written a chapter for one of my stories and I'll publish it at your earliest convenience.
          Thanks for the patience.
          PostScript: There's a technical electricity issue, so it may take a lil bit longer to publish it…


@AviciiinAthens2018 Thanks for the support. ☺️


@ panos_leros  It's alright. We all need a break sometimes. Take your time to put all your ideas together, and we, your loyal followers, will be here anytime to read your amazing stories. ❤