
Dear readers of wattpad,
          Once upon a time in a far off village named the united states lived a very Hungary ogar named lovey_birdy9. this particular ogar was very very hungry, almost as hungry as the hippos, who refused to eat anything but condiments. for breakfast she choice between mayonnaise and ketchup, and for lunch she usually had honey mustard and finally she would end her day with a large helping of BBQ sauce. one day this ogar came upon a book on wattpad. this book was so inspiring that she gave up the horrid life of condiments and went on to eat many other foods such as meat and bread. this amazing book writ in by @panquesita501 inspired her to eat healthy. this amazing writer helped her through a really rough time. thank you.
          loving reader,


¡Hola! ¿Te molestaría si te hago spam? :( 
          Me encantaría que te pasarás por mi novela "Tú no me enamoras" Sería un gran honor. O simplemente puedes pasarte por mi otra historia "Persiguiendo al Playboy" 
          Ojalas la leas de corazón. ♥
          Si tu estás anciana con 14 años, entonces yo estoy casi muerta con 15 xd


Jajajaja gracias :3♡


@ MemoriesInTheWords  pero solo xq me agradas


@ MemoriesInTheWords  ok ok ahora las leere