@djpony16 Hi! Yes, I like haikyuu. I've seen the first two episodes of Yuri on ice and they were amazing. I'm going to watch a couple more later. I hope you have a good day too. - Ruby
Loved your story (I have always noticed you - I don't usually read Dan and Phil fanfics) your writing style just kept getting better and better!
I hope you never stop writing as that would be such a shame and would change the world (now I've started getting deep...... )
Will carry on reading your stories throughout time
Thanks (if you actually read this)
Hello! Thank you for reading and enjoying I Have Always Noticed You. I don't plan on stopping writing soon. Thanks for continuing to read my stories! - Ruby
Thank you for following me! I could've sworn I was following you earlier.....
Oh well! I certainly am now! I absolutely love your books, no matter how much I say I hate them XD