
There you have it, folks. The long-awaited Sincerely epilogue is finally up, just in time for Christmas, for your reading pleasure. Enjoy. 


Hey, y’all- not an update per se, but I have some serious questions. 
          Do you love streetwear, Supernatural, and supporting indie artists? Are you frustrated with Hot Topic’s inability to sell cute, modern merch? Are you in desperate need of something DIY and trendy to keep you warm this winter? If you answered yes to literally ANY of these questions, allow me to recommend checking out my Bonfire store in the link below! Everything in the store is 100% designed and created by me, and the proceeds will help me pay for Green Day tickets and other superfluous broke college gal needs. I’m really trying to build a well-rounded, DIY personal portfolio to attract future employers/bands in need of a merch gal, so any and all support would be very highly appreciated!


Hey, y’all- while I am still currently working on the Sincerely epilogue (as spongebob once said, you can’t rush perfection), I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing recently, and a lot of the lovely feedback so many of you have left me over the years. I’ve been looking for a way to give back to the community, and today, genius struck- is there much interest, if any at all, in a sort of “(Green Day) fan fiction for dummies” manual, in which I could share some advice and experiences? Just an idea for now, but it’s something I’d be interested in working on if there happened to be any kind of demand. And if you have any ideas for any future projects of mine, I’m always open to suggestions- feel free to PM me!


@paperletterbombs The manual seems like a cool idea


Hey, y’all, yes- I am alive. Just wanted to let you all know that I’m currently working on an epilogue for Sincerely! I’ll likely have it up at some point next week. Until then, though, y’all can tide yourselves over with Here Comes A Regular, a Sincerely prequel of sorts I uploaded not too long ago. 


Sorry to disappoint anybody waiting around for an actual update (soon kiddos...), but I received requests for a playlist of Mike’s infamous “truck music”, and, in my infinite boredom, decided to take the liberty of creating this atrocity (inspired by the most iconic jams of my childhood and made just for y’all):