
I'm hoping you get this message 'on' your birthday. If not, you can blame the time zones 
          But anyways, Happy Birthday gurrllllll . May the Heavens shower you with blessings, happiness and cupcakes (cuz I luv em, no judging). I'm sure this year you'll achieve your goal (and hopefully the author will tell you which cheeks does Ashton always love )
           And the fact that you are a Pisces too makes this day complete unique. Even for me 
          Aaaaand...uh...if ypu got this message late, then belated Happy Birthday; if you got this message early, Happy Birthday in advance; if you got this message on time, DAYUUUUUUM! THE TIME ZONES BE DAMNED.


@Dominique_echo tysm and I got this message on time


Hello sorry for inconvenience but would you like to check out my first ever book I am a new and young writer with a lot of flaws but I would love to have your opinion on my book thnk u for reading my message