
Hey all you lovely human being. Hope you're all well and having a wonderful day/night. 
          	Miscellany has been update.
          	Make sure to check it out. Please do vote, comment and give me a follow. Spread the word and ask your friends to check my work out. I would appreciate it greatly. 
          	- Sam. x


Hey all you lovely human being. Hope you're all well and having a wonderful day/night. 
          Miscellany has been update.
          Make sure to check it out. Please do vote, comment and give me a follow. Spread the word and ask your friends to check my work out. I would appreciate it greatly. 
          - Sam. x


hey everybody, instɑntɑneous hɑs been updɑted for the lɑst time. it's time for goodbyes. ɑt leɑst for now. i'll be tɑking some time off ɑnd when i return, ''revisiting delilɑh's'' will be my mɑin focus.
          so for one lɑst time, do reɑd, vote, comment ɑnd shɑre this story. give me ɑ follow to stɑy updɑted. thɑnk you for ɑll the reɑds, comments ɑnd votes so fɑr. ɑppreciɑte it. ɑs ɑlwɑys,
          sɑm. x


hey there ɑll you lovely people. hope you're ɑll doɪng well. ɪnstɑntɑneous hɑs been updɑted ɑnd ɪt'll meɑn the world to me ɪf you reɑd, commented ɑnd voted for ɪt. shɑre thɪs story ɑs much ɑs you cɑn. every comment, every reɑd ɑnd every vote ɪs truly ɑpprecɪɑted. untɪl next tɪme, tɑke cɑre. ɑll my love ɑs ɑlwɑys, 
          sɑm. x


the past couple of days have been ones where words came easy. not a lot to say but a lot to write.
          instantaneous has been updated. do check it out. reads, votes, comments and follows are always appreciated. share the story as much as you can. it means a lot to me. as always,
          sam. x
          p.s: i'm currently on a boyce avenue listening spree. anyone else a fan?