
Hey guys, P here. Just wanna pop in. I want to say first and foremost that even though I haven’t been posting, I am always working on my stories. I really do plan on finishing up the ones I have posted but I have had the craziest 2018. Depression is real my dudes. Mine is something I don’t talk about a lot. I’ve had some major battles with it over the years and some times I give in because I’m so tired of fighting. But I always win the war, I promise. As you all know I lost my aunt last year to cancer and it’s something that I’ve been trying to comprehend and overcome since it happened. I was doing pretty good, you know until the holidays. But I stayed strong, kept it at bay. I have an amazing family, my home team is amazing and I love them all so much. They have kept me going for real. And then on January 2 the unimaginable happened. I found my stepdad unresponsive when I tried to get him up for a ride to work. I’ll spare the details and say that he had a heart attack and passed in his sleep. It’s been a little over two weeks now and things are still wacky and wonky and I’m trying to be okay and have a healthy mind. I don’t want any one to worry, honestly. I’m good. I just need some time. I just want you guys to not give up on me. I love this site and posting stories on it. I love the friendships Ive made and each amazing follower I have. It makes me so happy to know people are reading and enjoying my works. I will never stop writing and I am so thankful that I have this platform to do it on. 
          	Thanks for reading.
          	Lots of Love,
          	- P


@EvelynMyriad thank you for the kind words, I appreciate the support!


Wow! You have been through a lot in a short time. There is no shame in letting the dust settle after a traumatic event. I love your writing. Let it heal you. Sending hugs and healing your way.  I look forward to when you come back but please take all the time you need. It is ok to cocoon yourself. You will come even stronger. xx


Hey guys, P here. Just wanna pop in. I want to say first and foremost that even though I haven’t been posting, I am always working on my stories. I really do plan on finishing up the ones I have posted but I have had the craziest 2018. Depression is real my dudes. Mine is something I don’t talk about a lot. I’ve had some major battles with it over the years and some times I give in because I’m so tired of fighting. But I always win the war, I promise. As you all know I lost my aunt last year to cancer and it’s something that I’ve been trying to comprehend and overcome since it happened. I was doing pretty good, you know until the holidays. But I stayed strong, kept it at bay. I have an amazing family, my home team is amazing and I love them all so much. They have kept me going for real. And then on January 2 the unimaginable happened. I found my stepdad unresponsive when I tried to get him up for a ride to work. I’ll spare the details and say that he had a heart attack and passed in his sleep. It’s been a little over two weeks now and things are still wacky and wonky and I’m trying to be okay and have a healthy mind. I don’t want any one to worry, honestly. I’m good. I just need some time. I just want you guys to not give up on me. I love this site and posting stories on it. I love the friendships Ive made and each amazing follower I have. It makes me so happy to know people are reading and enjoying my works. I will never stop writing and I am so thankful that I have this platform to do it on. 
          Thanks for reading.
          Lots of Love,
          - P


@EvelynMyriad thank you for the kind words, I appreciate the support!


Wow! You have been through a lot in a short time. There is no shame in letting the dust settle after a traumatic event. I love your writing. Let it heal you. Sending hugs and healing your way.  I look forward to when you come back but please take all the time you need. It is ok to cocoon yourself. You will come even stronger. xx


Heading to Florida tomorrow morning! My best friend is getting married and I am in the wedding, so I might not have a lot of writing time by I am for sure gonna try to get some in. Still working on Less of Me and it’s a mess rn so like just stay away from it lol...
          Anywhoo, y’all will be seeing some new stuff soon I promise.
          As Always,
          Lots of Love


Just an update on what’s been going on in my life... I had an aunt pass away from cancer this week. Her battle has been going on for almost a year and I have just been trying to spend as much time as I can with my family. I also started a new job, which I love so much! It’s more fast paced than working at the front desk so I haven’t had much time to write. Overall life has kicked my butt, it’s been a hell of a journey. But I’ve kept my Wattpad app on my phone and I do see your notifications and that people are still following and reading my stories. For that I can’t even put into words how happy it’s made me. I’d have a bad day and see that someone read my story and it would make it seem a little less awful. For that I just wanted to thank you all. 
          I have goals to finish all my stories. It will take time because there are so many and I hope you all bare with me on them...
          I have weekends off now so I will have more time to write and be able to set schedules for myself. I plan to work on my Alaskan Bush People storied first and then continue updating the rest.
          Hope you all enjoy the new changes and stick with me through the process.
          Thanks for everything.
          Lots of Love
          // P


It happens. Life cannot be controlled. You will get back to your routine! Sorry about your Aunt! Looking forward your new works! 


Hey guys, I’m back!!!! I’ve been updating stories and changing some things. I hope y’all haven’t given up on me! I will be doing some serious editing in my stories and I hope to have my ABP story Less of Me finished by the end of this year. It will be undergoing a lot of edits so I hope you take the time to re-read and let me know what you think.
          As Always, 
          Lots of Love
          // P 


Hey everyone. I know its May and a lot of you are waiting for me to post. I know I am the worst. Truth is life has just been busy and hectic and all around crazy. I appreciate you all so much! Reading commenting and loving something I out my heart into it means sp much. I am always writing even if I don't post, I just like to post something good for you guys!
          So I am working on things, please just be patient with me while my rough patch in kife gets smoothed down a bit. 
          I will be posting as soon as I can and I hope you all stick with me.
          Lots and lots and lots of love
          - P 


@paraflymore yay I'm happy you're back!


Okay everyone, I have made a decision to go on hiatus. This doesn't mean I am no longer writing, I am definitely still writing but I am having some trouble keeping up with my published stories. I am going on a little mini vacay next month and when I get back I will surely have some new stuff posted. I hope ypu all bare with me while I sort my head out and try to get my stories updated.
          You guys are all amazing and I can't begin to tell you how awesome it makes me feel that people actually like my writing.
          I promise to return by May of 2017 with some new material.
          LOTS OF LOVE // P


Hey everyone! Its been a suoer busy month for me at work, we had some people quit and we have all been pulling over time and my writinf has definitely suffered. Good news is I am taking a few days off this coming uo weekend and I am going to try my hardest to get some new chapters out. Thank you all for reading and following, it means the world to me that people enjoy my writing and I will continie sharing my favorite thing in the world with you all!
          lots of love,


I was watching ask me anything earlier and I couldn't stop thinking about Jade lol! 


@paraflymore I love Britt! She's incredible❤️


@nostalgicmelodyy oh gosh, I love that you couldn't help but think of her! I really liked her in that movie! Britt is such an under appreciated actress! 


Its been such a crazy week, I haven't had any free time to write or read much of anything :( but I'm hoping today I can squeeze out a chapter or two for you guys. Now which story that might be IDK yet lol
          lots of love
          // P