
Good morning/afternoon luvs, I haven't kept you updated in so long and I'm sorry about that life got chaotic lmao, but I am currently working on the second book for "force to work" which is called "force to start new" I'm not sure if I should post some already and make it on going or publish it once I'm done with it, it's more longer this time and I'm so excited for you guys yo see it!! I LOVE YOU HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND AND TAKE CARE MUWAH!!✨️


"Force to dance"** my mind still waking up


Good morning/afternoon luvs, I haven't kept you updated in so long and I'm sorry about that life got chaotic lmao, but I am currently working on the second book for "force to work" which is called "force to start new" I'm not sure if I should post some already and make it on going or publish it once I'm done with it, it's more longer this time and I'm so excited for you guys yo see it!! I LOVE YOU HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND AND TAKE CARE MUWAH!!✨️


"Force to dance"** my mind still waking up


I haven't been working much on any books due to life lmaoo but I am starting to get back into it, I realized I want to make forced to dance better then before, I'm going to be taking out a lot of the 18+ content out and focus on more irl meaningful things for those who feel alone, this is your safe space!


For those of you who have been reading Forced To Strip, I have exciting news It is almost finished only three more chapters! I won't be posting the next chapter until Friday as I'm trying to have the second book finished before Forced To Strip is over. Thank you so much everyone much love <3