
Hey guys....... soooooo its been awhile and I see that my first bool has reached 1k reads. ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
          	Thank you so much to all who read my book, and I want to say sorry for not updating for a month. I'm really trying, but school just happens to be my number one priority. I got like thesis to think about, and being a student teacher is hard, who would've guessed that I'd be studying to be a teacher. I promise when things get a bit loose on my end, I'll update on my first book. As for my second book, I will be rewriting it. Since it only has 2 chapters on that, I'll only change the 1st chapter. Thanks again for being patience with me, I won't make any promises that I'll update soon, but I can assure you guys that its not discontinued. Araneus out~~~ ε=(。ノ・ω・)ノ


on another note, I plan to post my book at AO3 as well. What do you think?


Hey guys....... soooooo its been awhile and I see that my first bool has reached 1k reads. ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
          Thank you so much to all who read my book, and I want to say sorry for not updating for a month. I'm really trying, but school just happens to be my number one priority. I got like thesis to think about, and being a student teacher is hard, who would've guessed that I'd be studying to be a teacher. I promise when things get a bit loose on my end, I'll update on my first book. As for my second book, I will be rewriting it. Since it only has 2 chapters on that, I'll only change the 1st chapter. Thanks again for being patience with me, I won't make any promises that I'll update soon, but I can assure you guys that its not discontinued. Araneus out~~~ ε=(。ノ・ω・)ノ


on another note, I plan to post my book at AO3 as well. What do you think?


To anyone who reads 'The Cluster and the Avengers', I don't think I'll be able to update 'till July I think. I'm on my final semester and lets just say school is biting my behind, meaning my professors. I just need to survive this semester and then I'll be able to update a chapter or so. . . . . . .


Hey, I wanted to take the opportunity and thank you for voting for my story "the last attack of Shadow Moth". It really means a lot to me, that there are people like you out there who actually read and support my content. Lots of love<3